Human oriented cities, take 2. Imagine with me. 😊

And so when I start to think about this, what do we, as humans need to thrive biologically, psychologically, sociologically, every facet you could think of that involves humans and the things that we need in order to thrive, how would we design that city? My existence is very sensory oriented, and so I start to think about how can we incorporate nature? Because that can be such a balm to the soul. It can reduce stress

Revisiting an oldie: #imaginativeplay #PlumbPlays

Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 4:57
It brings me so much peace and comfort and grounding. As a child I spent a lot of time in the woods by myself and just love the smells of the earth and all those things. So I've always been drawn to the concept. The thought of having a tree house or being in a home that had a courtyard in the center of it, that brought nature in. I love watching things that show like unusual homes made out of different things

@ZenMoma Willy Wonka: Portals:

But when you talked about the tree house idea or the round building like, I'm loving these and the images you're bringing to mind. First, I create this for myself, this imaginary space before I go to sleep, if I'm having difficulty sleeping
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 3:59


Kind of I feel like, help us experience and process and be part of a little bit of that bigger picture that I now see my daughter that's passed being part of that energy of the universe. So this is just fuel that I kind of needed to just kind of reimagine my future, my life. And I appreciate that. And I don't know, there's something about your voice and your energy


First, I wanted to offer a very heartfelt condolences for your loss. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I really resonated with what you said with respect to art and creativity. Maybe not having a purpose and then feeling that maybe we can't give it the time. And yet there's so much more value there than we realize. Where the society says is, there. Apologies for the noise. My cat would be making loud sounds if he wasn't playing with the paper
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 2:18
So beach, lake, warm sun, and in this space, it's almost like the garden of Eden. In this space, it would be a tropical space. And all of the things I need fruit that grows from trees, animals to hunt and eat would all be readily accessible and in abundance because there's no cars. Right. So animals are not getting hit frequently, and because it's centered around people, there's a focus. There's an increased focus on balance


Can you imagine like all of these different ways we could imagine different cities and how different they could be? And so choosing to where we want to live is like not just choosing I mean I guess this is true no matter now where you choose to live, but of deciding what kind of environment you want to be in and how you want the surroundings to feel and so on