*POOF* πŸͺ„ You have 3 wishes!

It is an absolutely gorgeous day. You've decided to take a walk and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face, along with a bit of a cool breeze. It seems the day couldn't get any better. And then a flash of light light catches your eye. You bend down to find the most beautiful and yet very unusual bottle beneath a Bush. You decide to give it a bit of a buff, shine it up a bit and poof. A bit of a smoke escapes

#imagination #creativity #play

Liora H
@lioraΒ Β·Β 1:11

Great question!

So that would mean like, as much money as I need accommodations, living wise, and anything else I may need on my trips. I guess I don't really need transportation since my first wish was for teleportation, and then my last wish would be to be about two inches taller. I'm not that tall

Love this! πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§žπŸ§žβ€β™€οΈ @liora

But there's this scene in the Aladdin movies where Prince Ali is coming into the city, and the Genie has given him, like, way too much of everything. There's, like a ridiculous number of elephants, a ridiculous amount of gold, et cetera, et cetera. And I was like, okay, well, how does that translate to travel? And I was like, forget that
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lena Foster
@LenaFosterΒ Β·Β 3:27
And I think that would be so amazing that perhaps there would be no more problems and things that we'd like feel through and no more songs about it and books about it, and really the interest and curiosity of how to fix it. So I think we'd have definitely more time on our hands to sit back and think about things like death and the meaning of life and things like that. And maybe for some people religion

So thoughtfully considered! πŸ’™ @LenaFoster

Okay, for what it's worth, I do not think these are selfish. I love how you've thought about these and how you've processed them. I mean, just thinking about the first one there. I've loved that you have reflected on what's next. If we have world peace and that you've come to the conclusion that we would think more about life and death and the meaning of life


And so when we are taking a walk, maybe in the early hours and there's like nobody around, um, then it sort of is reminiscent of that sort of idea of being know but at the same time I completely agree with like if we could have the untarnished planet all to ourselves. It also reminds me I follow a bunch of different autistic individuals on Instagram sharing about the autistic experience and there was some conversation around how brutal summer can be


I was just thinking sometimes I'll say to somebody, when are they going to invent that transporter from Star Trek so that we can just pop from here to there? Well, now we need not only a transporter, but, like, an interdimensional transporter, so we can jump from dimension to dimension. Also a time traveling one, so we could go back maybe to when the Earth was untarnished and when our loved ones were still alive in all of their furry or insect glory, as well as human


Okay. I love this. Like, I used to think it would be really cool to I don't know if you ever saw that. There was a cartoon called the Jetsons. I don't know when it first aired, but I was watching Reruns as a kid and the father had a car that would fold down into a briefcase. It was a US. Cartoon. They had a lot of other things on there, too, that were kind of wild and cool


For some reason, I'm just like, wow. And there is some kind of communication that happens between us, the cat and us, because when he looks at me in certain ways, it's like I suddenly know exactly what it is that he wants. He could want a number of things, but for whatever reason, in that moment, it's like, oh, okay, I got you. I'm like, Where did that come from? I have no idea