We're seeing articles come out, article after article, talking about how more and more women are choosing to live separately from their partners for a variety of reasons. And we're seeing articles talking about in books, talking about men who are feeling more and more lonely and disconnected, how there is an identity crisis for men. And again. If we're hanging on to these stories so tightly. So rigidly of what it means to be fill in the blank. We're not allowing room for change

#empathy #gender #relationships #narratives #certainty #complexity #letitgo #fluidity


And yet we are creating pain for ourselves. If we could just let go of what it means to be fill in blank, what fulfilled life looks like fill in the blank. All of these other ideas, if we could just flow, exist, adjust, adapt with existence, like, how much different would that life be? Maybe it wouldn't be so painful
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDeeΒ Β·Β 4:35


I remember when Facebook years and years ago was getting really big and I deleted my Facebook and I had a few friends text me and call me and say, what are you doing? Oh, my God, I'm never going to be able to talk to you again. I was like, what? You literally just called me or you texted me on my phone. This isn't Facebook
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00


That won't really happen to you if you don't live in, say, New York, right? So humans do these kind of things to make life more tolerable. And letting go of this, I think that's not going to happen until we evolve ourselves out of certain very predominant behaviors of our existence. Social media has come in and exacerbated all of it. The accountability is mostly missing in action, right?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:47
You give the woman a house, she's going to make it into a home. Give her some ingredients, she's going to make the meal. Now. Yes, there are plenty of articles that talk about women preferring to live separate from their couples. I did as well on this recently myself


I talk about this all the time on other platforms. But it's essentially you created a house. You know what a house is, but then you start to do an addition on it to fix whatever the problem is, right? So whatever system we're looking at, you can start with the initial creation of it, but as soon as you start to add on to it and add on to it and add on to it and add on to it like a suddenly becomes deformed


I think my frustration is the way that we use the stories, whether it's tightly clinging to them and not allowing space for curiosity or understanding outside of those stories, or it's the weaponizing of stories or the imposing of these stories on other people, this kind of thing


This is such a great response. JL. Because although we may believe differently or value differently. Like what you seem to have embodied in your response. At least what I heard was the complexity be a nuance of what's important to us. What quote unquote stories are important to us. And then where we can reflect on and adapt and change when they don't suit us either anymore or we realize that they never did
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00


So storytelling is such a convenient, easy and well intentioned. To be honest. It is well intentioned, I'm not going to deny that. But there is a slippery slope. There are certain things that should not involve storytelling. In my opinion. Say, for example you know what? I don't want to give this example. It would be too controversial
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


My father introduced it to me. But I had no idea that it had anything to do with this particular war or that it was between those two groups or that half the White House was burnt down anyway, I digress. But it is fascinating to see if we have an awareness, though I'd like to think that maybe we could be more cautious about weaponizing stories or judging other people or situations by stories or even judging ourselves. Maybe I'm asking too much of humans
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalkΒ Β·Β 2:11
Very interesting series of swells. This is I, and I was listening to the commentary and I just had a couple of thoughts to probably forward the conversation, if you will. Just two of them, to be specific. Number one, there always three sides to a story. Your version, my version, and the actual truth. The trouble is, we never get to know the actual truth


I think there's often these battles between the philosophy of quote unquote truth and some claim from a quote unquote logic or quote unquote science perspective of there being some sort of concept of capital t truth. But no matter how you try to have these conversations and show that even scientifically or even logically, there is no such thing, and then instead, we share common understandings
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 4:54


If Pakistani soldiers violate the Los line of control which separates India and Pakistan, they fire. Right. So during the Kagid War, what happened is Pakistani soldiers managed to gain control of these vantage points and that became the target war. It was a very big war and Indians were told India won, Pakistanis were told Pakistan won. Technically, India did get all of its vantage points back. So, militarily speaking, maybe we won, but technically speaking, both lost


Okay. Wow. I always win so much from you. You're absolutely right. US. News is terrible. When I moved to Canada and saw their news and how different it was, and I could see more international headlines than I did in the US. US. Doesn't even cover Canada, and I was living a short distance from the border, it just blew my mind. Anyway. Wow