Vulnerability is f*cking sexy!

And then to be able to even say thank you to me is sort of an act of as I swelled about a few days ago, relational gratitude. It's showing gratitude for this fellow human, gratitude for their willingness to be vulnerable, and just recognizing that we are all fallible and there is beauty in that, right? We are not perfect. And I love it. And I'm going to single somebody out here, and I hope he doesn't mind

@FryedOreo #resilience #vulnerability #humanness

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:44
Just wake up. Life is too short. Your life is at stake here. It might not be domestic violence, but it might be something else that will be the thing that sucks the life out of you. So why don't you get it? And so that's where I am is, wow, I just admitted that out loud. You go, girl. But anyway, that's where I'm at now
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 3:42
I understand what you mean by being sexy, as in, it's not something you see quite often in this day and age on social media, where people are willing to die for their opinion, even though it may not necessarily come from a healthy place. And I can be controversial and provocative. So I definitely have died on plenty of hills and have still been able to respawn, fortunately. But I'm careful when I'm dying for something that is not a righteous death to die for
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@Her_Sisu πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

And I think what was so poignant in what you were talking about is that we can literally die from pretending. And also, I think even figuratively as well, in that whether we're talking our physical health and safety or whether we're talking about our mental health and safety. Because the more we try to find ourselves to different ideas or boxes or definitions instead of unfurling and peeling back and finding out who we really are


And I think laying there sorry, lots of visuals in my head. There's also this when you have a wound of some kind you can't just put a patch on it or you can't just stitch it up. You have to clean it out. And sometimes that process is painful and really ugly but it can then lead to growth and healing. And we can't do that until we take off the smeared yogye glasses and put ourself in check and so on