The Best of 2023; @SeekingPlumb Edition.

If you're looking for the TLDR or the too long didn't read version snapshot of this, there's going to be a collection of wild and crazy things that I've learned. Imaginative play, deep exploration of ideas, some as wells that were hardly heard, that still were a fave, or conversations that spanned platforms and were so complex and nuanced that I'm still thinking about them a month later or so to probably my most vulnerable swell I've ever done

#MyFav2023 #BestOf

Imagine, real change! Connection over division.

However long after this conversation was had. So to give very brief idea, it started talking about the idea of incorporating a woman's protest here in North America, similar to the one that has been done multiple times in Iceland, where women take a strike or a protest against all labor. And this has massive impacts. Things like not even doing laundry or cooking or childcare, as well as things at the workplace, and then how that rippled out to change for equal pay and so on

Floating oceans & training diamonds! Hello, universe!

Okay. This is one of my favorites because I had no idea that there is such a thing as a floating ocean. Just imagine you're standing on the ground, but there is an ocean above you. Above you, and perhaps, you know, wildlife of some sort diving out of the ocean, but just above your head or whatever other imaginative idea you could take from a floating ocean. This idea, this floating ocean, is actually real on other planets
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

The continuum of tools & methods used in pursuit of understanding.

This one is perhaps kind of selfish. This one is one of my faves because it was sort of taking note of a way that I have come to formulate structure my process or way of reaching understanding about something. And I really appreciated that. I really enjoyed it. And it's something that I still refer to either in conversation or even internally

What if plants could fly? @Renee_Slay

And Renee, if you ever hear this again, I miss you. I know you said you'll be back, but just a sort of shout out. Thank you so much for that conversation

The costs you demand by dictating your binaries.

Ooh, this one. This one is kind of tough when you take a moment to be extremely vulnerable, and then afterward, it's almost like it's in your rear view mirror. But to bring it forth again is almost like stepping into that vulnerable raw space again. And yet I think that those stories can be really. And so I think I'm proud of myself for having done it, but at the same time, that one hurts and I'm exposing that rawness again

"Adults are wrong. Kids are right."

I think we'll wrap it up with this one, that adults are wrong and kids are right. This is a quote from a video I saw online. But this idea that I explored, to me, I continue to see parallels in so many different areas of our lives, human lives