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SayCo Show: Mass Shootings

SayCo Show


SayCo Show: Mass Shootings

School safety

Jeremiah Myer


School safety

Hunters Gunning under my bedroom window- What the heck?

Shawna Kearsley


Hunters Gunning under my bedroom window- What the heck?

School violence is on the rise. Why?

Leanne Pritchett


School violence is on the rise. Why?

Ohio Revised Code: "opaque covering"

River Hunter Wiley


Ohio Revised Code: "opaque covering"

Drugs Drones Porn and Prison

bob dennis


Drugs Drones Porn and Prison

Enough is enough

Robert Jenkins


Enough is enough

Living in America means living in fear

Jeremiah Myer


Living in America means living in fear

The world tipped over: Hold on

Sontaia Briggs


The world tipped over: Hold on

Should students refuse to go back to school? An Article by Gal Beckerman, published in The Atlantic

Taylor J


Should students refuse to go back to school? An Article by Gal Beckerman, published in The Atlantic


Emily Goode



Shooting leaves one Person Dead 14 Wounded

Trevor Hammack


Shooting leaves one Person Dead 14 Wounded