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HELP! Families Are NOT Accomodating Their Diabetic Loved One: What Can Be Done?šŸ¤”

Erica Jean


HELP! Families Are NOT Accomodating Their Diabetic Loved One: What Can Be Done?šŸ¤”

The Problem With the FOOD Pyramid and Why Itā€™s Being Abandoned šŸ˜­FATS Is Not Your Enemy( Kind Of)

Erica Jean


The Problem With the FOOD Pyramid and Why Itā€™s Being Abandoned šŸ˜­FATS Is Not Your Enemy( Kind Of)

Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sonalisa

Speaking Buddha


Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sonalisa

3 Tips For Fitness Success!

Kevin Myles


3 Tips For Fitness Success!

Is American food making us fat and sick?

Tanya Coles


Is American food making us fat and sick?

Your Diet - It is not what you think.

Bo Freeman


Your Diet - It is not what you think.

Worlds Oldest Goldfish

bob dennis


Worlds Oldest Goldfish

Who Regulated FDA?

Tish D Freeman


Who Regulated FDA?

8 Habits add 24 years. Live longer.

bob dennis


8 Habits add 24 years. Live longer.

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight In Todayā€™s Culture?

Tanya Coles


Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight In Todayā€™s Culture?

Changing your eating habits: NUTRITION

Craig Swinton


Changing your eating habits: NUTRITION

Introduction to total body fitness

Craig Swinton


Introduction to total body fitness

Should Your Partnerā€™s Diet Change Because Yours Have?šŸ¤”

Erica Jean


Should Your Partnerā€™s Diet Change Because Yours Have?šŸ¤”

Wrapping the monday blues with these promises for your good health.

Yogesh Honavarkar


Wrapping the monday blues with these promises for your good health.

Do diets work?

richard Charpentier


Do diets work?

Dog Years

bob dennis


Dog Years

Eat 4 your body; BREATHE 4 your mind

Sunayana "Sun" PandƩ


Eat 4 your body; BREATHE 4 your mind

Get a good nights sleep.

bob dennis


Get a good nights sleep.

What I eat in a day at 42 years old and training. March 22nd 2023

Jeremy T


What I eat in a day at 42 years old and training. March 22nd 2023

Here's why you should bulk (If you've just started lifting for the first time)

Paarth Tuteja


Here's why you should bulk (If you've just started lifting for the first time)

Mindfulness and Spirituality-  part 1

Spiritually Boujee


Mindfulness and Spirituality- part 1

Living with Fibromyalgia a stream of consciousness conversation

Phyllis Southards


Living with Fibromyalgia a stream of consciousness conversation

Is the Mediterranean diet really the best diet? What diet is in your resolution?

The Daily Swell


Is the Mediterranean diet really the best diet? What diet is in your resolution?

Why I am plant based

Tim Lara


Why I am plant based