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Why can’t I follow my routine/ timetable ?😩 Kill Praocrstination using the AMD theory ✨🙌🏻

Nayan Maheshwari


Why can’t I follow my routine/ timetable ?😩 Kill Praocrstination using the AMD theory ✨🙌🏻

Obstacles are Blessings

Anirban Raja Dasgupta


Obstacles are Blessings

Its me JG



Its me JG

Journeying Within: Embracing Vajrayana and Stoicism

Ray B


Journeying Within: Embracing Vajrayana and Stoicism

Stop these bad habits.

Dewuan .


Stop these bad habits.

Mediations by Marcus Aurelius

Binati Sheth


Mediations by Marcus Aurelius

The Daily Stoic: Day 1-7

Mithu Roy


The Daily Stoic: Day 1-7

Every day is Game Day

Hugo Luna


Every day is Game Day

Play the role well.

Hugo Luna


Play the role well.


Hugo Luna



Scared and Fearful

Hugo Luna


Scared and Fearful