Sanjukta Khaund
@Sanjukta ¡ 1:39

Why is it so difficult for us to talk about our mental health!

Listen to understand without bias and judgment. Everyone simply need to realize that it's perfectly okay to not be okay. There is a bright light at the end of every tunnel. We just have to be willing to walk through the dark. Here is some food forethought just like physical health issues such as diabetes or high cholesterol can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes. In the same way, mental health issues can be treated with therapy and in other cases, relevant medication

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #endmentalhealthstigma

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith ¡ 1:31
And I have seen families suffer because of this when there has been mental illness that has been carried over from one generation to another and yet it has all been hushed up. And it is sad because it gradually sort of takes a toll on the entire family and it's not a very good sort of approach to take, especially when the young in the family are watching what is going on and they feel that this is perfectly normal for things to continue without any action being taken