Okay, so I've been watching you're not gonna believe this, but I've been watching a lot of Agatha Christie movie late lately agatha Christie movies lately, and, I don't know, join them mostly. And I don't know, is it worth reading her books if I'm so far just in the movie, Lane? And then secondly, if I should read a book of hers, which book would be good to read?

#agathachristie #murdermystery

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:59

Mysterious Affair At Styles and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Hi, Sam. Yes, you absolutely must read the books. They are very different and much better than the movies and adaptations you might have seen. And they are not very long in terms of duration, so they're very easy to read as well. When you do start reading them, you have to start with The Mysterious Affair at Styles. That's the first Kilpora mystery and in my opinion, the best. So definitely read that one
Arish Ali
@arish · 0:13

Witness for the Prosecution - short story

And if I can add one more recommendation kasakasti has read a lot of good short stories, too. There is this collection called Witness for the Prosecution, in that the story, Witness for the Prosecution itself is one of my all time favorites
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Nick montecalvo
@jmontecalvo · 2:06
And I like mysteries, too. I love stuff like that. Yeah, definitely read her books. If you like to read and you're an avid reader, do it. And the movies are good, too. I just like her writing and stuff. I don't know if you like other mysteries, other writers besides Agatha Christie. There's other ones out there that are good, too. But she's probably the best. Yeah, you can't lose as far as reading goes
prisha k
@prisha198 · 0:03
I really Adore Agatha Chrisie as A Writer