JR Todd
@RyanRules · 5:00

My TBI Journey | Part 5 | Acceptance

And I felt like that was going to be good for me down the road. People seeing me you guys can't see me on here, but people seeing me read some of these books opened up a lot of conversations. And I met a lot of good people along the way that I think I probably was supposed to meet, that I would definitely not have otherwise met, because they would have never thought we had anything in common. It challenged me

My TBI Journey | Part 5 | Acceptance

Beautiful MO♥️
@MOnae · 5:00

#acceptance #peace #surrender #permission #lettinggo #forgiveness #healing #changes

Good afternoon. Good afternoon to you. Amazing man. Mr. Jr. As I was listening to your message, it was a joy to know that the journey you're on with acceptance has been the journey of my life thus far because it takes minute to get there. But once you arrive, it gets easier and easier to accept the things that we have no power to change and change the things that we do have power to change. And that is our perspective
Beautiful MO♥️
@MOnae · 0:23

#acceptance #key

It's. Thank you for allowing me to speak on your platform. I encourage you to keep going, keep growing, keep shining, keep sharing, keep learning and keep teaching. God bless you. Have the most amazing rest of your day. Until the next time, be kind
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

JR Todd
@RyanRules · 2:11