Another book on the Gita….but why??

Because the Bhagavad Gita is an unparalleled mix of the physical and the metaphysical, the natural and the supernatural, the human and the superhuman. Compiled thousands of years ago, the Gita is an evergreen text meant to be read, understood, interpreted, internalized, and applied in real life. I assume. And I am hopeful that more and more people will continue to to bread the gita


Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:44
And I agree with you when you say that this is your personal interpretation. You are sharing with the world the meaning that you found when you read this, right? And I think that's what makes it richer. The more we share our perspectives, the more we learn. So it's beautiful
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 2:24


So when it suits you and your line of argument, you look at it in the ancient context, when it suits you to somehow fit it into your current life, you look at it in the current context. But it's very important to have that maturity, to be able to, as I said, put these two things into different boxes and attempt to get the best out of the book to make our own lives better. So thank you so much for this

#yoga #dharma #holistic #healing #mindbodyspirit

One of my Buddhist teachers always used to use this phrase person, place, and time. So not everything that we saw in one particular way two years ago is going to be the same as we see it now. So I just like this kind of ever evolving relationship and understanding that you create with the text over time when you just continue to go back and read it. It's the same exact words on the page
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:55


But when someone from a Western culture can get such a good grip on a text like Baghdad Gita and you are clearly very much involved with Buddhist concepts also, I just find that so fascinating because you need to have an exceptionally open mind and an exceptionally searching and inquisitive mind to explore these other philosophies philosophies that are different from the one that you have grown up with. And to understand Hindu philosophy is not easy because it operates at so many different levels
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

#yoga #buddhism #dharma #spirituality #christianity

And in general, that's so much more expansive in the dormic traditions because Western religion to many to many people is very it can be very dogmatic. You know, there's the there's kind of the felt sense that people are forced to believe what they believe rather than having an openness to exploring