Theories and Suspicions

Or any orthodox Christians can chime in, because we all know that the orthodox christian faith and the catholic faith are in a deep, deep schism right now. And it seems like they're trying to enforce a reformation, which I can't get on board with if we're talking about alien Jesus

Am I ready for the padded room? Yes, please! #ufo #alien #christianity #thebible #catholic #roman #romanempire #polytheisim

The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
Did you know back in the. What was it, the UFO stuff, when it was really popular, they had the X Files and all the alien documentary. Roswell documentary. Because I'm a big UFO buff, right. Aliens, the grays, all of that stuff. But I remember back in the stuff from the 90s. That's what I'm saying. You could go back, documentary, alien documents from the 90s when it was really big. I can remember recall renting
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:19


That's incredible. Why doesn't everybody know that story? So I assume you grew up Catholic. What can you tell me about the astral stuff? I'm interested. I want to know because I know that they have their reason for it. Like I said, what do they know that we don't know? As far as monitoring all that stuff, it's a lot of money. It's a lot of money to monitor stuff when it could be spent stopping world hunger and stuff like that
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 4:54


One of your biggest questions was one that I had for a long time, too, like, why the rich doesn't spend their money on curing things or saving the world or anything like that. Well, because you can't. It turns out I discovered that you can't. It's really worse. For the same reason the government doesn't fix the number one problem in the United States, which is housing. Right? It's big business, my friend. It's all about money
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:14


It seems like that money could be repurposed. And I don't like how I'm finding out now that the Vatican has just got all this priceless artwork and everything just piled up. They're just hoarding wealth. It's incredible. I'm finding it very interesting. Like I said, it seems like the roman empire never went anywhere, or it reincarnated itself, I guess. I don't know. Starting to learn a lot about history. Starting to get a little sketchy around here
Stasia by Stacy
@StasiaInk · 3:03

#alienexperiences #abduction #testimony

They can move us, like a remote control, which they did to me. And, yeah, I truly believe that I would have been one of the stories that were abducted. One of those. But maybe I will share that whole story in one of my stories. But thanks for listening, and let me know what you think about the picture. It was taken unedited. If you scroll in, that's exactly how they travel. They're light beings, right? They just travel through dimension
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:41


It? Yes. I definitely want to hear everything you know. Tell me everything. This is a part of the journey for all of us, discovering our own true identities and hopefully identifying the enemy before it's too late. Because they might be able to pump in and control people. But I'm going to fight it. I have been fighting it and I've been very successful at it. So let us know, let us know. Tell us
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 1:37


Ironically, a lot of people that have been close encounters and all that stuff, and they all seem to have said at one time or another that the message has been world peace, to basically protect the world and keep it safe. Sorry about that. But that's why, well, kind of pause this
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:37


You awake? Mr. Luchador, sir. Got a bottle of wine. I'd love to discuss the paranormal and ufos with you. Been alone all day drinking, mate. And contemplating all of this. Some sweet soul said earlier that I reminded her of Art Bell, and he has come manifest it. So, yeah, let's deep dive into all of that extraterrestrial information
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 0:32

#nowords 👽👽👽

You. All I can say is I believe aliens possibly are alive. I haven't been proven or it hasn't been proven to me that they aren't. And I hope they do come, and I hope they enlighten so many humans on this planet that are so confused and so obsessed with things that I think that just. I think aliens would laugh at us. But other than that, no other words. Bye
Stasia by Stacy
@StasiaInk · 4:53

@RoosterCollins #oneworld #conspiracy

Just like Matrix. All movies in Hollywood actually have cryptic messages. And the purge is the one I'm honestly most scared of since they take place in these years, 2022 through 26. Okay. But about my encounter. The first one was when I was about ten years old. It wasn't an encounter face to face, but it was the first ufo I saw outside of my bedroom window. And the next morning, I woke up to sirens and firefighters across the street
Stasia by Stacy
@StasiaInk · 4:00


So the overall message is to remember who we are, where we came from. Because we all descend from the stars, just some of us are forced to remember. And also to know that we don't need hallucinogens, DMT, drugs. We can visit the universe. It's inside of our heads. It looks exactly the way they describe it. And we can get there. Yeah, that's crazy to say, but it's true. And that's what they want us not knowing
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00


And a lot of people, I think, don't know that very simple concept of being truly aware and awake. Not woke awake. And by that, I mean you could just sit your ass down, right? Sit on a rock, look at the sun. Listen to this. Just sit down and ask yourself, what are you, what are you doing? What do you want? Simple things, right? And people watch. Just sit there for a second, right? Be still
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
It. Oh, yeah. See, I. And the time always runs out. But I didn't even get to the point of the message of world peace. Apparently, it can't be done. Not by us at the very least, right? I don't know who benefits who. I do know this, though, and this is the ultimate mystery. I don't know who benefits
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:57


Man versus man, man versus God, man versus nature, man versus himself. Those are the only stories that can be told. What is another story that can be told? The story. The hero story. Superman, Ubermensch, the hero story, or better known as the savior story. This is told beautifully through two films, like you're saying, the Matrix, and also through Harry Potter. Keep that in mind
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


Well, and I was always under the impression that some of the most alarming material that he brought forward was actually brought forward to him from a source he couldn't allude to, but that some have suggested it had come to him from the air force. But I see there are a lot of sources that he was
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00


You ever remember that one latino world order and all the other subconscious, all the other groups and the four horsemen and the Brett family, right? The hearts and everything. But of course, I know everything. The whole story. I can go on and on on how WCW basically destroyed the professional wrestling world in a single event. Well, many. But anyways. Yeah. Where do I start? I mean, this is my thing, right? You're right. I do not know
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
I don't know what. Spoiler alert. But he had two kids. They both die in a car crash, right? His wife then goes crazy because of the loss of the kids. She goes crazy and basically commits suicide. Boom, she's done. Robin Williams, now alone in the real world, right? The Matrix. And he's now coping, basically killing himself because he's in love with, obviously, his wife, right?
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
A wife is not happy. The happy wife, happy life. She's not happy. Obviously, he's going to look for attention where the husband fails. Right. At some point, the area 51 guys, who obviously were staking Bob Lazar's life, found out that the wife was cheating, which is obvious, right? But this is where it gets crazy
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:49


So it's a nice story. I can't wait till that break. See how that turns out, man. He's like a Harvey Weinstein kind of character, I believe, allegedly, according to articles. According to articles that I will read to back up those claims that are not defamation. Anyways, love you. Bye. Oh, let's crank it up again just for a little more. Let's just do it. Joking. We walk it out. Remain cautious. No Puerto mono
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
What's up, Mr. Rooster? Yeah, I do know. I know I said WCW killed wrestling. They are a big part of it. Vince killed wrestling as well. But if you go through the whole history, I could go through it all. I know all of it. As far as Vince McMahon doing what he did. Yeah, it gets worse. And I dare say, because I've been in the business I could tell you no one's innocent