The Guild

All right, so you guys are going to get one of these. One of these where I just ramble on for 5 minutes. So if you're not in for the ride, just tap out now. Got a wild idea. Came up with an idea. Been fleshing out a story in my head for the last 30 years. It has to do with mental illness. It has to do with religion, childhood, upbringing. It is very, very spiritual. It is very epic

I am writing my first fiction novel! Please visit and donate, or pre order! #author #fiction #writing #art #faith #works

D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 0:56
He threw out, because it was in this huge venue, and he threw out bags of Eminem's. And so there was like people getting decked in the face with bags of candy for whatever reason. I don't know. But he's great, and I have lots of books by him. So my question for you is, what are some of your favorite projects by Mr. Chuck Polanuk?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:23


It's a very convoluted scheme, but it's an incredible book. Just reading his work when I was a child just gave me permission, like, oh, I can write about the most subversive, gross things and make people think. It doesn't have to be so bland and so eloquent as we're convinced that literature has to be
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:31

@wickedgypsybird #books #authors #writer #fiction #film #comic #fightclub

Because comic books are different than movies. I had to match the shot. So it's like there's a bunch of filmmaking rules that are betrayed in that short. That kind of hurt me a little bit as a filmmaker, but it was a passion project of him. He paid for it out of his own pocket. So blessed be him for giving me the work and giving me the opportunity to do it. It was a blast