Cat Bathtub

So in the picture that I'm showing you, he is standing expectantly in the bathtub. He spends a lot of time trying to get attention in the bathtub, which is a bit of a bother because it means anytime I actually want to take a bath, first I have to wipe down the bathtub to get rid of cat hair. But despite the fact that Dyson has a cat fountain, he really likes when people will run the tap

#pets #cats #silly

faith s
@fas · 2:12

#ayla #cockerspaniel #hunter

But with ayla my dog, there are a few things, but I guess the one thing that jumps to mind is something that's also based in the hunter instinct. She'll chase like, squirrels and rabbits, like any dog, I guess, but she definitely has this big hubris that she could take down any animal. And I've seen her take on flocks of geese and they'll be really afraid of her and they're all running
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:27
When I saw the picture of the cat, I said, I got to chime in, or I have to at least listen, because cats are absolutely fascinating, and I never thought I'd be a cat person, but now that I am, I love blogs like this where we can learn and share stories about our beloved animals. Thank you so much