What makes Storytelling so Attractive, yet Difficult?

I'm back on swear. And I'm so sorry that I've been missing in action because I've been busy with a newsletter that I started a couple of weeks back and I hope some of you find me on Teal Feed. That's where my newsletter is so that you can read a little bit more and know a little bit more about how I look at the world of storytelling telling. So one of the posts which I wrote was about what makes storytelling so attractive and yet difficult

#Storytelling #PublicSpeaking #PersonalBranding #Influence

Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:50
You, in fact, share with them. If I can call a story a case study, you share with them a case study. And when you look at a case study or a story, you understand exactly how the knowledge applies in practical situations. So I think that's why storytelling really works. And because stories have a thread running through them, it's easy to remember them. I remember almost every word of this Missed a Sinner story that you've just told
Avi Chand
@avichand · 5:00
You know, just to elaborate on this concept of perspective or viewpoint or point of view, I think I'm conflating all these terms. Maybe storytellers have different meaning for viewpoint and point of view. I know they give their characters a point of view. Now, let's take this example of Mr. Cinema. You've given them a point of view, so you've told the story so excellently, so amazingly well
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:49
So storytelling as a craft is something that needs to be worked on over time and may not naturally come to everyone. That is number one. Number two is somewhere, I think, there is this fear of being judged because when you tell a story, it could, of course, be from a personal it could be a personal anecdote or it could be a story about some other characters or situations. But at the end of the day, it is your narrative
Rituparna Ghosh
@RituparnaGhosh · 5:00
So when you sort of doubt your own judgment, your own point of view, your own experience, your own personal narrative, whether it is your own or a narrative that you've shared with others about something or someone else, you somewhere feel judged for the point that you're trying to make. And for someone who has to captivate or who has to put all of it into a story, that may seem the most difficult thing, because what am I trying to say?


First, we have these like lofty ideas of what storytelling is and then it makes it harder to reach that pinnacle of in trying to create this seemingly unobtainable goal because we've created such lofty ideas around it. But storytelling can be super simple as well of using analogy or conveying a story of something that happened to us, right, or personifying something that is inanimate. It sort of creates different visuals. And I think what it all boils down to is our humanness