On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed into 15 new countries armenia, azerbaijan belarus estonia georgia kazakhstan kyrgyzstan latvia lithuania moldova russia Takistan, turkmenistan ukraine Uzbekistan. After this. The US. Remained the only superpower led by US. NATO continued its expansion. The countries that came out of Soviet Union began joining the NATO out of these. Georgia and Ukraine were offered NATO membership in 2008, but they couldn't join the military alliance. So Putin has objected to NATO's expansion

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Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:33


Hey, Ruth. A nice topic you covered. Everything great swell. Now, I love the way you presented it. I think this is a very important topic and many people are unaware about this entire NATO thing. Thank you for getting into Limelight and helping me understand more about the political situation I about Russia and the US. This is a great swell. Hoping to see more content like this. Thank you so much
Ritika Gupta
@Ritika_Gupta · 0:17
Hello. So thank you for replying to myself. The additional information that you have added using the reply function will be useful to people who listen to myself later on. So thank you for doing this