Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:14

Are You Still Stuck in the Stone Age of Social Media? #swellvideos #askswell

Hey, Swell. Hey Facebook. Remember when text messaging became a thing around 2008? One day we were communicating with our voices and then overnight it was over. Almost 15 years later and this limited form of communication is still the norm. Even our traditional forms of social media are generally comprised of the written word and responded to in the written word

#swellvideos #swelltalk #swellvideosweek #facebook #socialaudio #voiceisback #letsconverse

Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:16

My video progression for my Facebook Followers…..

Hi Swell users. In the replies here, I'm going to create a progression of all of these still images I used to create the video for my Facebook users. Thanks so much for chiming in on here. Bye
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:03
Lady from 18 hundreds
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:03
Old couple ignoring each other
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:03
Woman taking selfie while eating her spaghetti
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:03
People conversing again
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:43
I've never been to Facebook jail, but I'm guessing eventually I'll make a comment that will get me there. Twitter has become just complete garbage to be on. It's just a mess, and the algorithm isn't there anymore
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:39

@BKFOREMAN69 @SeekingPlumb

I mean, the selfies from girls you went to high school with. And it's just a lot of everything, and it's just too much for me. I just haven't been doing it that much. Instagram is the same. I rarely do it if I have a cute picture of the kids once in a while, but rarely do I go on Instagram anymore. I feel like those platforms have gotten there just not a lot of room for depth there
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:07


I really appreciate this post and the conversation and your intention to ask people, you know, what they're really getting out of their time that spent many, many hours that we spend doing sort of pavlovian behaviors. And I feel like the deep listening behaviors that I've sort of gotten into through the past two years on Swell. I'm on it a lot, obviously, but I feel like it's a whole different, different system in my body that's engaged
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 1:32


It totally it didn't dawn on me until you said it. But I am curious, though, if over time, it's shown that voice, social media, audio, social media has less of a detrimental impact on our mental health than the more traditional forms of social media. I would bet that over time there'll be some clinical research coming out on it