Heartbeat of the Ancients (When an Artist Meets a Poet Series)

The heartbeat of the ancients lives on the threads of musical notes that flow deep from within the soul. Each bridge defies time, blending storytelling with jives and rhymes of the past, present and future. My body holds chords, genetic codes, a rhythm Mother Earth knows. It mimics her dirt high frequency hurts, flowing on a path of alignment. My being is music. My existence is art. And I am the heartbeat of the ancients

Photo: "Ascent to Ethiopia" by Lois M. James | #poetrymonth #poetry #poem #music #writer #song #culture #evolution #history #ancestors #blackhistory

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J Stout
@DarkMoonMusings · 0:20
Absolutely love this. I just really, really love it. There's something about the way you talk about the music and the heartbeat and the ancients and you just draw it all together, and I am totally in love. Thank you for sharing this