Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross Breeding Dogs

Before I go on, this is probably going to be an ongoing so I will continue. If you just go down the list of replies, you can follow along because this is quite a long article, or if you want to skip all of this, you just click on the link in the description and you can read it at your leisure. So learn my throat here. Dogs can also be bred with a few other species to produce a hybrid. This is what I was talking about

Are you thinking of purchasing a cross breed dog listen to this before you do.

Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

Are you thinking of purchasing a cross breed dog listen to this before you do. #dogs

Proper socialization and training will bring out the best in any dog's temperament and behavior. Fewer issues in some cases it's true that many pure bred dogs suffer from genetics conditions that have passed from one generation to the next. Like I've heard from Labrador and retriever owners as I own a target labrador retriever is that when they get older, they have hip problems, so that could be a genetic thing. However, let's get back to this generation to generation
Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

Are you thinking of purchasing a cross breed dog listen to this before you do.

He definitely didn't fit the mold of many Rockwellers where people tend to say that they're bold and have they're sometimes aggressive. He has no aggressive temperament at all. So I'm sure you're going to come across some pickball owners who's going to say the same about their dog. So for example Rockwellers tend to have bold and sometimes aggressive temperaments because they have been bred to be working guard dogs. Poodles were bred to hunt and be wonderful family companions
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

Are you thinking of purchasing a cross breed dog listen to this before you do.

With all the interest in designer dog some mixed breed dogs go for 1000 or more the average pure bread pup often costs between three and 500. What purebred dog cost? That little I wanted to before I got the Target Lab here, which he ended up being a rescue. He was only four months old