Mansi Singh
@ReadersCreators · 2:32

Anxious People

Anxious People by Frederick Batman Book Review in these times of violence and cruelty, reading this book paves my way back to humanity. I have read quite a good number of Batman books to date, and in each of my reviews I have mentioned how he brings out the mundane lives, how he knit his stories around current people. And this one was no different

#bookreview #fredrickbackman #domesticfiction #humour #fictionbooks

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:18
Hi, Mansi. I have been wanting to read this book for a really long time now. It's almost been over a year. I first heard about this book, coincidentally on swell, I believe. And then I came across, you know, the, the Netflix series, which was made based on this book. I did not watch the series because I wanted to read the book first, but somehow it hasn't, you know, happened yet
Mansi Singh
@ReadersCreators · 1:24


Hey, glad to know. Well, I'm not familiar that if you have read any book by Frederick Pakman, because once you pick one book by him, there's no stopping you will keep going to him. Like, I am very confident I can stamp on a paper. So I started with a man called Ov. Then I went to Beertown. Then I went to my grandmother sends her apologies and letters. Then I read Brit Britmarie was here