Ray Renati
@RayRenati · 2:38

Half Dome Cables

You have to bring a lot of water, and you also need to purify water from the river on the way. It's hot. And if you don't do that, you got to carry, like, two gallons of water, which is extremely heavy. So you bring water and you also purify the water. And if you ever get a chance, I highly recommend this hike. Just be careful. Prepare. Prepare, because it's not something you just want to do on a whim

#halfdome #yosemite #hiking

Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:28


Hey Ray. Congrats on completing this hike. You know my dad told me one day when he was in his sixties, hey, I want to do the hike, the Half Dome. Some friends have invited me and my dad. You have done no training. You haven't been hiking me in years. What are you doing? I was helping him pick out shoes and socks at Rei and he did go to 70. He ended up not doing the hike
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 2:11


We did the up sailing down a 40 foot cliff into a beautiful cave with white lilies at the bottom. Huge, massive, like, cathedral sized cave. It was stunning. And then when we had to climb out, they do I think it's called Prosecuting. Could have the name wrong, where you, like, hit yourself to a rope and then another rope and you winch yourself up bit by bit. And I thought, no, that looks boring and slow
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ray Renati
@RayRenati · 2:25


I didn't get a lot of pictures. I brought a GoPro. I haven't done the downloading of that video yet and editing, but I want to. I'm going to too soon. I'm looking forward to that. But I didn't bring a good camera. I just had my iPhone. I was going to bring a camera, but I just didn't want to carry the weight. I mean, it's already a lot of weight to carry
Ray Renati
@RayRenati · 2:13


I mean your legs. First of all, I've had knee surgery, so I can't use my legs too much to carry all the weight. So a lot of it had to go in my arms, which was kind of brutal. But after I got the hang of it, I didn't think I was going to turn around anymore. The first couple of pools, there are these boards that you can rest on