How do you find your inspiration

I might gaze into the ocean, but I'll just do that. Gaze, rest my eyes, allow my breath to go and come like the waves. I might sit at a cafe, smile at passersby who will either smile back or ignore me until I strike a conversation with complete strangers. Then I become inspired. People amaze me. I love listening to young people, to old people, to different perspectives, different experiences, different cultures, backgrounds, traditions, cuisines, religions, spirituality

#inspiration #people #lifecoaching #lifecoach #culture #cuisine #different #experiences #inspire

Brian Marshall K.
@XcellenceCoach · 4:29

#Inspiration great topic & wonderful submission too. It would be fascinating to see other responses on this also. Let’s get at it…

But here's how to imagine that humans, people are actually one of, if not the only species that can create new environments purely by changing their minds. Whereas every other species has the gift of adaptation. In other words, adopting to other environments. Humans can adapt to other environments, but they can literally create new environments because we are creative beings. Which brings me to where do I draw my inspiration from? I draw my inspiration from imagination because not just my imagination, but imagination by others
Rania Barghout
@raniab · 2:52


That surprises me because in my opinion, people are born good. I don't know how they learn to be bad and why and how come that they don't feel bad when they cause evil or cause harm. They're very imaginative and then they can create so many different ugly booths for other people or for the environment, or for the species, the animal species or the human species or any kind of living, breathing thing. So, yes, I am fascinated
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:55
Hey. What a lovely post. I have to say, first of all, listening to you was very relaxing and honestly inspired me. I think that, like, in my life, the thing that inspires me the most is just seeing the joy on the faces of those that I love that really motivates me and inspires me to just be the best I can be and to do the most that I can
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 3:31
That was a bit of a round, but yeah, I find inspiration in questions and other people's insights, music, film, art, the things that people create from their own emotions, I think is really inspiring to me because of the depth that exists in everyone and also the different ways that people express it, which are always so unique. But, yeah, I think it'd it all comes down to the questions for me. But thank you for this post and your presence and your voice
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rania Barghout
@raniab · 2:39

@rochristensen #morequestions #infinite #goodness

No matter what you answer, it's a personal answer, and it's your point of view. And I cannot judge you or criticize you for in any shape or form. This is you. This is your idea. Right or wrong, in my opinion, doesn't matter to you. It shouldn't matter to anybody. Because if I believe what you're saying is wrong and you believe it right, then it's right. And it doesn't matter what I think