Yoga for Everyone

Ever since I began teaching yoga, I have taught and conducted in person and online live yoga classes, yoga workshops, online yoga programs and yoga retreats, reaching out to more than 10,000 people through yoga. I want to make sure that each of the students student who might teach experiences the holistic benefits of yoga and its practices not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally in the process transform their lives

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:39

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

Please tell us all about yoga stuff. How did the idea come to me? Well, I was drawn to yoga since I was a child. Once I started to practice yoga regularly, I realized realized the profound impact it had on me both physically and mentally and how it transformed my own life. This drew my interest to learn and understand more about yoga
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 2:54

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

So what I will do is if I'm not able to do my practice in the morning, I will always make sure I set out some other time during the day, either late morning or early evening, say when the baby is asleep or when I don't have any other activities things for the family that I have to tend to. So the most important aspect if you ask me is to actually assign time for the important things in your life
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:27

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

Do you follow a specific diet to complement your practice? Honestly, I don't have a specific diet, but what I focus on everyday basis is to eat natural food. So I almost eat zero processed food on a regular basis. It is something that I indulge in very rarely, probably once in ten days or 15 days. I'm all about eating natural food as much as possible, so that really helps me with maintaining my health, not just physical health, but also mental health
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:54

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

Can you help our listeners with a hack to a difficult yoga pose? So yoga is a journey. So definitely from time to time they will always be aware very intimidating yoga pose or oppose that you want to somehow achieve and suppose that you really work hard towards achieving it. Of course, when I have several yoga poses like that which are very difficult and which I'm really trying my best to be able to do it one hack. I wouldn't say hack
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 2:02

#yogalife #yogateacher #ayurveda #healthandwellness #yogaeveryday #pranayama #hathayoga #yogalessons #fitness #meditation

The biggest misconception about yoga you have ever come across one of the biggest misconceptions about yoga that I have come across is a few people feeling that my body is not made to practice yoga. My body is not flexible enough to practice yoga. Trust me, that is the biggest misconception. I will watch for it. Every human being out there, every human body out there is designed to be able to do yoga
Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:04


Hi Ramya. So I am one of the people who come out with the excuse that yoga is definitely not for them because I feel I'm not flexible. The very reasons that you just said out there that my body is not meant for it, my body is too tight, it is not flexible. So yeah, I fall under that category. And I must say that having listened to you here, I am open to reconsidering my attitude towards yoga
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:10
Hi Ramya. I learnt a lot from what you said. I have a question for you. How would you say that yoga can impact one's mental health
Geetanjali Kanate
@Grace_126 · 0:41
So as a person who has tried yoga before I had this doubt. I used to do yoga and I am all together meditation and everything but now because I have shifted cities for my education I am in a PG situation. I do not have much space around me to actually do yoga poses or like the physical part of yoga. So doing pranayama meditation like how would you recommend how to balance using only that without using the physical part of yoga like the asanas and everything
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:48


Every time you find out that your mind is diverted, being very kind to yourself, come back to your next inhalation and continue this meditation. Yeah. So I hope you get to practice this. Do let me you know if you try this out. Yeah. Thank you. Bye
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:12


Hi Aishwarya. So yes, yoga definitely helps, you know, one to be mentally healthy. So yes, it does impact one's mental health. How I will put it across in this simple way. So in yoga, we do a lot of our physical movements with awareness to your breath. And the way you breathe literally shows the way exactly you are feeling right now
Ramya Ramamurthy
@ramyaramamurthy · 1:53


So again when people have certain conditions it's important to work with a teacher yoga teacher so that the yoga teacher can understand his or her condition accordingly, modify the yoga practice or teach them the yoga practice that suits them and guide them not to do certain yoga practices that doesn't suit them. So it's based on what condition each person has
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:02
On the first of note, I think maybe jotting down the points or jotting down my to do list throughout what I'm going to do throughout the day. I think that is going to help me to kind of stick to a routine and hopefully that is going to become a practice. And that way I might be able to include yoga as well amongst things I would like to do in a day. So, yeah, thank you for this
Johnson Peter
@johnsonpeter · 0:04
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this