Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:38

'I truly wanted to give the world a fabulously out & proud protagonist..', Author Zorian Cross on his novel 'The Yogi Witch'.

He's also been a guest writer with a lot of publications, including Scoop Whoop, IDiva, NDTV, and is currently writing a weekly column with Lifestyle Asia, India. He's also a certified Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga teacher, as well as an occultist specializing in Tarot, astrology, kabbalah, eastern and Western schools of mythology and mysticism

#askanauthor #books #LGBTQIA #authorinterview #feminism #queerliterature #pride

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:25

1. How different or alike is playwriting from writing a novel?

So, Zorian, you've written over 15 scripts for plays, but The Yogi Witch is your debut novel. Did your experience in playwriting influence the storytelling or the pacing of the book in any way? I'm curious to know how different or alike is playwriting from writing formal full fledged not will
zorian cross
@zorian.cross · 4:45


In every good movie, when you have your powerful supporting characters, you just can't help a root for them. So I guess that's how theater helped writing for plays. Sorry. That's how writing plays helped me write my novel because A gave me the discipline, b, it taught me how to write great dialogue, and C, it taught me how to develop fully rounded characters who have numerous dimensions to them as well as the readers would enjoy reading that
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:34

2. Writing about LGBTQIA+ themes in an Indian setting.

The Yogi Witch is a genre bending mix of mysticism, philosophy, action, humor, and within them also unfolds a story of queer love. Why did you feel it was important to explore this particular narrative in the context of the Indian Society? Can you also share any challenges or considerations you faced while writing about LGBTQIA plus teams in an Indian setting?
zorian cross
@zorian.cross · 3:32


Furthermore, I think it's so important to have a leading hero who's queer in an Indian Indian context altogether, because we don't have that at all. I mean, think about it. I don't see any major Bollywood movie having a thrivingly, proud queer character, right? Yes, you can say meat in heaven is there. But again, he wasn't the lead. He was the coast or the supporting. Right
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:46

3. How does the exploration of gender dynamics contribute to the broader message you aim to convey?

Also, in your book, gender plays a vital role in the overall story theme, with very strong female characters. Could you perhaps elaborate on how you explore the connection between gender and power, particularly with the idea that only women and queer individuals have natural magic flowing through them? And how do these themes intersect with the arcs of trauma, awakening powers, and the mythological battle of the sexes? How does this exploration of gender dynamics contribute to the broader message or themes you aim to convey in the book?
zorian cross
@zorian.cross · 5:00


You. So, yes, gender does play a very vital role in the storytelling because I think we're going through a really interesting time where gender is being used as such a hot button topic, where conservative people refuse to acknowledge gender, people who identify in nonbinary genders, as well as there's been such a vehement attack on women all over the world. Look at what happened with the abortion laws in America
zorian cross
@zorian.cross · 1:16


Sorry I got cut off over there, but yeah, to continue with thought, all these sacred scriptures have some of the most horribly homophobic writing throughout. So not only are these scriptures written by men, but they are written by misogynistic men and incredibly homophobic men. Why do we give all that power to them when they clearly don't care about us? I mean, think about it. A straight family cares about equality when it comes to paying the bill between each other on a first date or whatever
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:57

4. String a balance between your diverse roles and passions..The Yogi Witch : Bloodlines and Legacies https://amzn.eu/d/dYtzhrZ

I think I'll leave you with just one more question. Zorian. But before that, I'd like to take a few moments to tell you that I absolutely loved The Yogi, which in all its gorgeous complexity and the layered writing especially stood out. And thank you so much for coming on to swell and sharing your fascinating creative process and giving us a deep dive into the making of, or rather the writing of The Yogi Witch
zorian cross
@zorian.cross · 3:01


Hello. Thank you so much, Ramya. I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed my little novel. As far as how do I balance all these different passions and interests of mine. Well, I'd like to say that while I have so many things to balance, there are some basic life skills I'm completely clueless about. Like, for instance, I can't cook to save my life