Ramya V
@Ramya · 4:46

Avatar - The Way of Water had me all the way! What about you?

Characters are uncomplicated, the conflicts are pretty simple, good versus evil, man versus nature. But still, you're sold. Especially the world of the reef people is lovely, tranquil, and the underwater scenes just take your breath away. So much so that when the ugly humans come hunting, all that you want is for the tribe to just vanish off the face of Earth. That's the kind of impact the movie has on you

#whatiwatched #moviereview #spoileralert #avatar2 https://s.swell.life/STRt9aD00cY093q

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:48
So that's a long time to be sitting in one place doing one thing, anything, one thing that I think is just very clear. I don't think anybody can argue it whether or not they like the story. James Cameron knows how to entertain. It is second nature to him. He just has the sauce, so to speak. So anyways, Ramya, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed this. I think I'm still kind of digesting it
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:44


I didn't feel that the characters emoted enough for me to actually connect with them. But the movie did offer a unique sort of theatrical experience, which was new back then, which was unlike anything that people had seen on big screen in 3D. So, yeah, you have to give it to James Cameron for that
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 2:15

Waiting for a better Avatar of Avatar #cheerchatty #masterclass #moviereview #avatar

Hey, Ramya, you know what? I watched this movie day before yesterday with a couple of my friends at the PBR and I didn't have any plans to watch it. I don't think I really watched it part one in full either. But since my friends made this plan and said, why don't you just come, let's go. So sadikachelo and watched it, the best things about this movie one is your review
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:06
For instance, I was thinking, what if these Avatars were to not have these tight, swell bodies? And what if they were to be short, squat, pot bellied people with sagging skin and so on? Would we still watch them for three and a half hours? Probably not. So somewhere, even when we are depicting what is supposedly another race, that image must be aesthetically pleasing to us. And somewhere it must be somewhat like us. Or else we will not be engaged with them
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:31


Would we watch this three and a half hour movie if we had these aliens looking like Squad pot Bellied people? Not sure, but it's something to think about. And thanks for being bringing that point up
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:32


So, yeah, thank you again for joining in, and I'm so glad that you found my review discerning. And although I'm not sure if it would actually prompt people to go watch the movie, but if it did, I mean, oh, wow. That could be the best compliment a reviewer could ever get
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:17


But other than that, considering the number of films that are churned out in this country, I'm surprised that no one has really gone into some science fiction which is well done. And it appears to me nobody is even thinking of it. So that's another area that it's it struck me that how is it that we don't do this here in our country?
@ShamanicPoet · 4:41
Let's be honest, we're not taking anything away from those. But it almost felt like it was a vehicle to show off those effects. And the script kind of was almost like, oh, by the way, we better write some stuff. We better put a slap a story together. That's how it felt to me, anyway. The only thing I would say is that I did walk out part way through for a specific reason, because there was a set piece hunt
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:57


I don't know if that's simply because of the advancements in technology, but I did feel like I was fully invested in the film when I was watching it, despite its somewhat lackluster storyline. And I think for me, what it really revealed more than some deeper truth about the world, was that James Cameron is just a really solid filmmaker. Not that that needed further reassurance. I mean, he's directed some of the greatest films of the last 2030 years