Would you tell ???

And I was told that I was jealous, didn't want her to be happy. So since then, I don't care what I see, I'm not saying anything. If you find out, you find out all. But it hurts me to know that my friend is giving all she got, or he's given all he's got to someone who's betraying them. So the question is would you or would you not tell? And if you tell, why would you tell?
Talia Rodriguez JD
@Latinaherstory · 0:28

#it #depends #great #question #queen

You. My first inclination is that I would definitely tell my best friend. But then, honestly, depending on what my best friend's life situation was like, I might not, like, verbally tell them I might send them a letter later. I think how you break the news is equally as important as is when. Because if that knowledge is like damn imaging to that person, you don't want to be insensitive about how you share it
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:29
Hello and thank you, Mr. DJ. That is true. It all depends on the emotional stage and the mindset of your friend. But I think once I've gotten beat up with telling and you do want your friends and family to be happy in the relationship that they're in, but what some are afraid to be alone. Some people are just afraid to be alone
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:00
Like, I will want my best friend to tell me if she's seen my husband or whatever, did something that he wasn't supposed to be doing with somebody else. So, yeah, I would definitely tell her. It's crazy because I didn't heard scenarios where people claim that their best friends are the love of their life or whatever the case might be as far as being real close and they will do anything for them
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 0:24
Hello. Good afternoon, beautiful. And I pray and I hope that you'll feel better, that God give you strength to recover healthier and better. That your insight be more aware and healing is through your family and to yourself. Be encouraged, be blessed. Get the rest you need so you can get back to being you. God bless
Carly D
@Astroality · 2:10
Like, I couldn't I couldn't not does that make sense? Like, I couldn't not say anything. And unfortunately, it was, like, the first guy she'd ever dated, first guy she'd ever slept with. And so she went and confronted him. And he said, I was doing it because I wanted a test to see if she was really your friend, to see if she was going to betray you, to see if she was going to take the bait
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:56


Good evening. Good evening, Mr. Funny man. But I think I think we do tell on our girlfriends, especially if the guy is a good guy. Now, if he's a good guy and he's worshiping her, he give her everything she wants. He let her go out of town in the time she wants have told. So I don't think it's always one sided. You might have some girlfriends that stick together like glue
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:34


You might have been loyalty to her and faithful to her, but you have to look at it because you told her the truth and you confronted her, and she still took his side. Have a good one
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 0:46


You? No sir, I've never had a girlfriend that I know of that has cheated on her boyfriend or husband. Never have. Now I have caught a husband cheated on one of my friends and I told her it but she took his side anyway. But then she found out the truth. But me personally has never had a girlfriend, a best friend or a friend that I know of that has cheated on their mate. Have not had it
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:33


And she just said she thought maybe I was feeling bad because I didn't have a boyfriend, and she did, and it was just the weirdest exchange, the weirdest dynamic. But you're right. Yeah. I was completely, totally loyal to her. And I just think even if I wasn't involved in the situation, like, I would be loyal to my best friend and say, hey, guess what? I saw just a heads up to you and do whatever you want
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:35


It. Wow. Good afternoon. First and foremost, just can't ignore you. I don't think that I would be that type of female where if my best friend or my female friend is creeping out on her man, I will just tell her to get herself situated and won't say nothing. No, I don't do the double standard thing. That's not in my mindset to even do that. It should go both ways
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:20


And us as women, because we're not in a position of being leaders like men, how God gave men the position to be leaders. We as women is somebody that needs our light to shine in their life or what they're going through. We are led to do so. We are led to tell that woman asking him to move his vehicle if something is going on
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:26

I ain’t telling!

There are couples who have separated, but we don't know because they haven't told anyone. There are even couples that have divorced, but they don't tell everyone. You see someone out with a new love interest, and that's what's going on. And we're not privy to that information. Again, also, what is cheating?
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:12


I actually had one of my boyfriends back in the day actually came to me and told me that he tried it, and he said, oh, she a real friend. You don't know how many times I did that. And they went for it. I was just standing there like, wow. But she had already told me what happened. She had already told me what happened. So it wasn't a shock
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:04


Now she's divorced and heartbroken and trying to figure out what to do with the kids, trying to co parent and all of that. Maybe they could have worked it out. And I know some people say, no, if you cheat, that's it. But like you said, how many times have I needed God to forgive me? How much grace have I needed in my life? I've needed a lot of grace and a lot of mercy
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 1:49

Relationship talk. #Cheaters #AskSwell

You know, I would absolutely tell a friend or anyone if I thought that their partner was cheating on them, but I know by doing so that there is a very good possibility that they would stop speaking to me. And I know this for a fact, because it actually happened to me before. I told my best friend at the time that her husband was cheating on her, and she actually knew that he was cheating on her. And at the time, she was trying to have a baby
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:55
But Edward was saying, he said, mind your own business because you want to take care of your own household. I have had friends and he said that women don't tell the men when their best friends are cheating. Like, we wouldn't tell them our girlfriend. I have lost many friends because they were sleeping around on their husbands
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:34


And the thing is, we've already been through all of these situations so we know we got each other's back and it's really not much like I get and I understand people feel the way they feel. And I can tell you that I have a very rare friendship. My sister isn't even like I don't even claim her, but my best friend is just like my sister. That is the Godmother of my children and vice versa. If my kids need something, she's there
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:52


Me and her, we still standing there strong while they withered away relationships and people, valuable people in your life. You hold on to them and you respect them. You don't toss them to the side because a new person came along. Oh, yeah. I've lost a lot of friends in that manner, too. They get a new boo and then they disappear. But when the shit break up who you calling? Who are you coming back to now?
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:52


You all see my man, my husband cheating on me and then you're sitting there acting like you didn't see nothing and then you all knew I wouldn't even dare want you all to be my friend. I would not dare for any of you all to be my friend. I sound so sad sounding like that, like it's okay to be this way. I'm sorry if I'm coming off wrong, but the way our culture is nowadays is really saddened
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59


They're going to leave that person and do what? Or they're going to stay with that person. Now I'm looking at them like, oh, my God, girl, he was out there with that chick. Are you still with him? What is the fruit? What do we expect to have happen? Do you expect your friend to say, oh, thank you for telling me, let me leave him right now, and then what?
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:52


And I'm pretty sure she already going to know my testimony about my marriage, so she's going to know where I'm coming from with this. So I won't be there to hurt her or to manipulate the situation, to make her leave him or give her this vision of her hating him. Because at the end of the day, it's up to her if she want to stay with him. But I hated that I had to go through that by myself
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:25


She called me with the boldness and the audacity that honestly he gave her, because if you call him the wife and speak it in such a manner, she must have knew she had a place to do that and I guess at the time she did. So like I said, it hurts and it's going to hurt either way
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:59


So I thank God for revealing those things to me to let me know that he was doing what he was doing. But I just don't want nobody else to experience that. I hate to feel or see a woman go through what I went through when she's trying to just live right and stay obedient to the vows of marriage. It's just terrible. But like I said, thank you so much. Thank you for the blessings
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:23


I didn't had family, a family member sit up there and slept with an ex boyfriend of mine from years ago. So I been in a situation where people knew what was going on and chose not to say nothing. Yes, I'm going to be disappointed because true friendship lies in what is at stake. You ain't got to believe nothing. I really feel for you because it sounds like the way you speak, the way your mindset is and how you carry yourself as a man
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:21
When we all just get together and talk about life, talk about our past, talk about our present, talk about our future, talk about the worldviews of what's going on, but also, let's just respect one another. There's been a lot of comments on stuff I've post, but I don't take it personally because that's their opinion
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:58


So the choice is up to the person and the people. But like I said, I'm going to do what I'm going to do because that's me and always been that way, always will be. I'm not saying I condone it, I dismiss it. I just feel like as adults, if you want to see somebody else, that's a discussion you all need to have
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:52


It. You do know that there were men with more than one wives in the Bible, right? You do know that other religions allow for more than one wife. The problem with having more than one wife is you have to be able to be an adult. You have to be responsible. Chey say, to whom much is given, much is required. And it and the fact that you're creeping around, it says a whole lot
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:51


It is a very hurtful thing to find out that someone has stepped out on you, especially if you're not a person that's used to being hurt or if you are someone who has really never had to deal with a lot of the drama that comes in life. Yes, it could take you by shock. It can mess you up mentally. But for the most part, by the time marriage comes along, a lot of people, they've been through some things
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 1:31


Thanks. Good afternoon or good evening, wherever you are at. I just want to give you applause. I want to big you up for you being so humble and being so positive in your response to what he was saying. This whole topic in a response that I heard from him in particular and him alone blew my mind away. I'm just like, oh, my goodness. But we all discuss like queen eleven says, she said everybody entitled to their own opinion
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:06
I believe in doing inventory on my marriage and my relationship, to see what I need to work on, what we need to work on, what we need to improve, what I need to improve. Because I know if I don't, he gets bored. He's going to step outside the marriage. But when they don't put you in that position because they see you he saw me as a classy save and woman of God. He didn't want me in that position
Jagan Seshadri
@Biophile72 · 3:02


So I will do the job of sowing the seed of what is, in my understanding, good for my friend and leave it there. But I will never be judgmental, and I will ensure that to tell my friend that I'm not being judgmental, but just sharing a perspective where I see something which is going to be not good, something that could be detrimental, something that could be dangerous, that could lead to a deep pain, even though at the moment, it is pleasurable
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 3:57
Or is it right because it's making you look good in front of your friend. So I don't really know which way I would go with it. What would you tell? And again, I mean, if it puts you in an awkward position, that's something for I know for me, I would probably just have to pray about the situation. I would pray that somehow there was some understanding or that things would get better, whatever's going on
Viv Ku'uipo
@VKuuipo808 · 4:56

Needs and love bank

But when it comes to my friend, I have concern for my friend and I want to help my friend as far as maybe they don't realize that what's happening. Maybe they are sabotaging a good relationship and so this is an opportunity for it to be wrecked or the person that they're having their affair with is really the one that they should be with
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 1:22

Great question @Queen11

You? That's a very interesting question. And I've been in a similar situation, as you said, like many, many years ago, I had tried warning a friend about her partner, and it didn't go down well. I was called jealous because I was single at that time, and I was also called as somebody who couldn't see her happy and who didn't wish the best for her
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 2:13
The guilt of that person seeing you may guilt them into telling that person that, oh, by the way, Blase saw me out with my cousin. Whatever. I learned to just stay in my own lane. If it's going to be life threatening, absolutely. I believe that you don't cheat on a person, you cheat on a test. But I think if you're not married to that person, you you have a moral agreement, but really there's no ties to you legally
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:38
You. So I'm still getting notifications for this. So this morning, I woke up. I said, you know what? Let me call over and see. So I called my best friend and I asked her, you know, if I was married and you saw my husband out with someone, would you tell me that you saw them? And she said, do you want the video timestamp? It was all I needed to know
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:52

@KIWDS see you on the next post.

As a matter of fact, to add to it, she said, if depending on how close I am, after I get the video, I'm definitely going over to ask him, do she know you over here? Or are you doing this? But again, that's pretty much how we roll. Yes, we do have that type of relationship. And if you are joining forces with another person or a woman, I would think you guys will have these conversations