Nisha Singh
@Pustaki.Keedi · 4:46

2022 in Books & My reading goals for 2023

Again, I didn't know about Simmonsian James, and I was glad for it. My top five books, if I were to say for 2022 at the top, number one would be Or Flanker by Amish. I'm a huge, huge Amish fan. I love the way he creates his stories and there are stories within stories and such a beautiful glimpse into our culture. Number Two magicians of Master by Ashwin Sanghi

#reading #books #bookworm #read #bibliophile #goodreads #crimetheillers #mystery #cosymystery #agathachristie #readchristie2023 #amish #ashwinsanghi

Riya Prasad
@highonchai · 1:45
You see, I'm more of a contemporary and non fiction genre fan coming to the suspense thriller. I think I read around two last year. It was one. One was from Riley Sager. The house across the lake. I had to read it because it was making rounds on the bookstagram. And the other one was lent by a friend. That book, the book name was Psycho. It was from Robert Bluch. I think I love a pinch of horror and thriller genre in this year reads