Hello, everyone. This is nisha. If you looked at my handy name, it says pustaki dot kiri. It simply means bakwam. And this is my translation of that word in Hindi, since I'm a female. It's not Akira, it's a ki. Here to explore, swell to talk mainly about books and my love for reading. I'm here to also share my knowledge and expertise about health and wellness

About myself. My profession & my interests. #myself #introduction #wellness #dietitian #bookworm #books #goodreads #reader #avidbibliophile

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:18
Hi, Nisha. First of all, welcome on Swell, and it's a very interesting user handle, a very witty one. And yes, I will be looking forward to all your upcoming swells and conversations. And yeah, welcome once again
Nisha Singh
@Pustaki.Keedi · 0:29


Hi, Aishani. Thank you so much for such an inviting and apologies for such a late reply. I've been listening to your thoughts on various cells and the exchanges and I look forward to your thoughts on my talk. Thank you once again and have a great day. Bye