How I found the Swell app and how I want to use it...

How I found the swell app. Well, I was on Facebook, trolling around, looking to see what was happening, who was online, who posted, and I'm a digital creator on Facebook. Anywho, I saw the ad, and you know what? The thing is that I used to write poetry, and then after a few things happened in my life that knocked me all the way down to the bottom, I just never started writing again. Wanted to write a book

#s21nbpv2p6 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:46
Hey, welcome. We're glad to have you, and I think you hit the nail on the head. I think that's exactly what swell is really good at, is it just cuts out all the annoying little setupy part of podcasting, and it lets you just get to the heart of it, which is the talking and the conversation, and you get to have people respond to you direct, which you don't get in a podcast. And that's really exciting