What are the features of feminism?

It also includes social, economic, cultural and political issues that are important to all women in society. Feminism is a social movement that aims to empower women. It wants women to have equal rights and opportunity in society. Feminism is often initiated with equality, but it also focuses on the empowerment of women in different fields such as politics, economics and education. Women are not just the victim of discrimination, but also the creator of their own success

#women impowerment #feminism #college voice India #swellcast

Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 0:37
I have now. Thank you so much for this. Well, just around the corner, like it will be tomorrow. This will make a lot of sense. Thank you so much for going into the basic roots of feminism. It is certainly reminders of the moment. The moment caught fire in India and in the world very recently. And it has just been very important for all of us to go and check that the route it keeps us or it keeps the moment healthy and not very toxic for everyone
bhawna gola
@Priyaroy123 · 0:10


Thank you so much, Nupur, for your lovely wishes. Happy women say to you also keep inspiring in the family and the society and always shine like a star