Prashanthi R
@Prashu · 0:11

Gardening: Fav hobby, anyday! ❣️

When people ask me why I love gardening, the answer is very, very simple. You know, the process is therapeutic and the this is euphoric. That's all I can say


@Shaz · 0:45

I love plants but I don't I get them 😑😔

If it is your favorite hobby, then please do give some tips and tricks because I like gardening, but I find it very hard to keep up with usually when water just the right amount. And I end up with some sort of sickness or disease in my plants or like an insect attack. And we literally have house plants. I don't know where they seem to get these diseases from, and it's only a few Pardes. Yeah
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:25


And there are a lot of things that can take care of themselves a lot. And there are those things that need a lot of nurturing. I have succulents that are on their own. Don't need me vegetables that are being eaten by lots of critters. It's so frustrating. Trees that need watering a tender little plant that somebody just gave me that means nothing but a little water and it's so beautiful
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:01
But since the last year and a half, I have been making sure that I keep a very close watch on Miles Hill Garden and all the indoor plants, et cetera. So it's definitely a very fruit expense