Assertiveness- Speak what you believe while respecting others

Hi everyone. Today I would like to talk about assertiveness. Assertiveness is the quality of being confident and not frightened to say what you want or what you believe. Assertiveness is a quality which has many advantages and it can just enhance and boost your self esteem and your confidence. It can help you express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view. It can also help you do this while respecting the rights and beliefs of others

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Swastika Acharya
@Swasss · 0:58

#assertive #opinions #confidence #thoughts #judgement #collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Hi there. Thank you for making this world. It is so sad nowadays that people think that they are going to be judged if they are being assertive. Being assertive has helped me find my friends that respect me and my decisions. People that aren't assertive enough will always be played with. They will have other people deciding what's best for them. People should know how to stand up for themselves. That is one of the basic qualities a person needs to know in order to be independent