So many words live in Silence 🤫

And I think they are waiting for a day when they would be free. But I doubt they will ever be. And they'll always be unsafe words, unwritten, unspoken. And apart from that, I think this is what makes us human. We are a little broken, we are a little brave at times. So yes, that was what power of silence means to me. Rather than engaging in a drama, we prefer to stay silent and just chose peace

#unapokenwords #silence #motivation #inspiration #powerofsilence

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:37
Hi, Pragati. You know, sometimes it takes a whole lot of courage, it takes a lot of soul, lot of heart from you to stay silent, to stay quiet at a particular moment where you know that you will be, you know, your entire energy will get sucked in by some vampires around you. There's too much of drama that is going outside your inner world
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:53
So then I feel at that point one should just stop, just be silent and no need to explain anything, no need to have a dialogue because sometimes the other person has just made up their minds. So it's better to be silent and not say anything at all
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:00
And that reminds me of this proverbs from the Bible that there is a time to speak and there is a time to remain silent. So powerful stuff. So really, like, that stimulated my thoughts. Thank you
Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 1:41
I have a different perspective on this. So I think I'm an introvert by nature and if I do not talk, it's mostly because I do not want to absorb pain or sadness through people. I do talk a lot. When I get close to someone, it's because I do not absorb pain or sadness. I want to be exciting. I want people to be exciting. So this way I think it's painful to hear people talk about their negative things or negative emotions in their life
Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 0:38
I'd like to make another side note. I think when people are ranting about something, they want someone to be quiet and just listen. Candy not react. It's because you don't want them to absorb your sadness, but you just want them to listen. You know? I mean, this happens in a relationship or someone you really love, but you just want to tell everything to them. It's usually with females. I mean, that's my perspective. Sorry if I'm wrong
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 2:17


Hi, Candy. I'm glad that you like my swell and thank you for your lovely response, especially the proverb you use from Bible, which says there's a time to say and there's a time to stay silent. And talking about the words that are there in my library that are kept there safe, I never chose to speak them because I wanted to avoid the drama they might have caused if I have used them
Manasa Divakar
@manasamalla93 · 1:31


Hi, Pragati. Mam. So Pretty described about how you put out these words in a zone called has silence. So in my personal experience, when I was a teenager, I used to, you know, outspoke whatever comes into my mind, and I end up, at the end of the day, I end up traumatizing myself and also traumatizing the other person. So it's always better to stay silent, but it takes a lot of patience to maintain that silence and to stay with the words