
Life would be boring if you had done it all already, if you had no more room to grow or things to learn. Be patient. Youll eventually figure it all out and everything will make perfect sense. Every experience will get you where youre supposed to be, every loss, every heartbreak, and every mistake. Dont be afraid to mess up and dont expect success overnight and find yourself over and over again. Believe in yourself. Forget about what others think, and trust your journey

#sdp24May3 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @phil

Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 3:49

@pocketofstories Thank YOU 😊

That, to me, is what tenacity is. Being of jamaican american background, I was taught that productivity always trumps feelings. And really, feelings are irrelevant in how I was raised. I don't believe in that now, and I don't practice that, nor do I parent that way. But I'm grateful for that. Rearing some parts of me is like, oh, my gosh, geez Louise, that was a lot of therapy ahead currently because of that
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 3:48


Hi, Natasha. I just landed to the city where my mum's staying, and it's been a long day, but how refreshing to hear you acknowledge what I talked about and connect with it. And a lot of things that you said resonated so well with me. It's actually true. We have the, I would not say burden, but the responsibility to
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:11
Hi, Natasha. I look back at the response. I apologize for getting the background wrong. It's jamaican american background, isn't it? My apologies
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:15

@pocketofstories Honoring legacy 🙏🏾

Thank you. I'm so glad that what I said resonated with you as well. And no apologies. Absolutely. Jamaican American is my direct lineage. Both my mom and dad are from Jamaica, but I do acknowledge that my ancestors before that, right in the slave trade, there was the caribbean slave trade and the american slave trade. So before my answers were in Jamaica, they were in Africa