They Are More

As I pass, they reach for me and smile covering my spaces with sheltering shade. There is fiery passion but also sweet ease for they are more than just the trees. I fill their spirits into my heart. When storm clouds loom and rain pours down I run to them and stay safe and dry basking in friendship, so wild and free for they are more than just the trees. Their branches like arms hold me close, touching my soul and I'm not alone

#trees #earthspirits #poetess #poetrylove #treelove

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44

Trees by Joyce Kilme

Oh, you just made me think about my dad. He used to read a poem to me by Joyce Kilmer called Trees, and there's a line in it I've never seen. What is it? I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree. I love this poem so much because you just gave me my dad. It's so beautiful. He died about ten years ago, but he knew the whole poem
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:18


Oh, wow. Thank you so much. I am truly humbled. You just gave me the most beautiful compliment in the whole world. I appreciate that so much. To be able to make you remember and think about your dad is that so special to me that you would share that with me and that you were able to have that moment while listening to my poetry that's just so heartwarming and touching to me. So thank you for coming on this thread and sharing that
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:50


Deborah, this is for you. I couldn't help but read it because I also love this piece. Trees by Joyce Kilmer. I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the earth's sweetflowing breast. A tree that looks looks at God all day and lifts her leafy arms to pray a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair upon whose bosom snow has lain, who intimately lives with rain
Edana Celeste
@SheGoddess · 0:13

Love it

Definitely enjoyed that because I love trees, so I know that they are more than that. And I love the metaphors and the word play. Great poem
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:18


Trees are definitely more than what we see just on the surface when we pass them by. So I agree with you. And thank you for being a part of the thread and the kindness of your reply. I appreciate that very much
Anisah Khan
@Anisah_Writes · 1:16
It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks that, because usually when I walk through nature, I always look at the trees and how large they are, look at them through different perspectives, and you capture that. Well, yeah, I just really liked it, the way you were descriptive with your words, and you just took me to a place, I was in my room, and now I'm in nature. So, yeah, thank you for sharing
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:35
Your creations are always completely beautiful and touching to my very soul. They are so much more than the trees, and I love that you put that into such eloquent words. You do an amazing job with everything that you write, and I aspire to be like that. I love everything you do, and I want you to keep following in that dream because you are so deep a writer, and I'm blessed to know you. Thank you again
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:15


They are friends, they are spirits that can speak to me, and I truly adore them and I have ever since I was a child. I will go and stand next to a tree and touch it, touch the trunk, touch the branches and the bark, and I can feel an energy there
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:13


Renee, you are just such an amazing friend, and I appreciate you so much. And hearing your voice on these threads, especially with my poetry, is just so, so beautiful to me and such a gift and such a blessing, and I am thankful and grateful every day for that. And I appreciate that you compliment me as being a writer to my soul and to my core. But so are you. You are a writer to your soul and to your core
Creative Reader
@MoonPoet · 0:53
Hey. Good morning. This is Stephen. Thank you for sharing this one about the trees and how you see them and what they mean to you. I try to come up with other words, and I don't like using the B word about poetry, but it is beautiful and it's true. There is something magical and special about trees that sometimes, maybe only poets or painters might be able to capture it. I think you certainly did. All right. Have a good day. Bye
Nancy Kuykendall
@NancyKuykendall · 0:32
I absolutely love this. I am one who just is inspired by trees. I walk every day and I talk to trees sometimes. I have some favorite trees. I have a favorite tree in our backyard, and it is so much more than just a tree. That was a beautiful poem and truly spoke my heart about how I feel about trees. Thank you

@Pixiepoet4life #imhereforit, #wow, #bravo, #poetry,

Wow. That was wonderful. You know, as I was listening to you oh, excuse me. Hello. By the way, as I was listening to you recite the poem, I actually found myself walking with you within the scenes of your poem. And I found myself, like, right there. So that speaks volumes as to the power of the words you use and how you strung them together. Bravo. I really enjoyed it. More, please
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:35


Hey, Steven. Thank you so much for joining in. I appreciate you and your poetry, and it's such an honor to have you as good of a poet as you are actually come onto my threads and give me such positive feedback. I truly am grateful and thankful to be able to have that interaction with you. So thanks so much for your comments, and I'm just loving having these exchanges here on Swell. It's just an amazing place to be. Thank you
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:58


I have talked to trees since I was a little girl and the secret is they talk back. So I definitely resonate with what you were saying and appreciate you so much for kindly taking the time to interact on this thread. You are much appreciated
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:39


But I think poetry in particular because it does deal with words and language and communication. And I think communication is the key to interacting with other human beings on this planet. So I appreciate you so much for what you said and for your comment. And I just want to thank you for taking the time to listen, and even more importantly, taking the time for such a kind reply. I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you so much
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:36
Your symbolism and delivery is impeccable, as always. And that was just so beautiful and reminded me of ease by you and just the trees and weeping willows and that whole scene and just being in nature and grounding. So thank you for another beautiful poem
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:41


Thank you so much. I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to listen. It is a beautiful gift when someone shares their time. So thank you so much for that and thank you for your kind response. I appreciate it very much and I truly enjoy having the chance and the gift of being able to to share what I do with so many others on this platform and being able to hear all of the unique voices and perspectives that give me feedback. So thank you so much for that
Christopher Lee
@srirachabarbie2 · 0:27

#Art #poetry #swell

I just want to tell you that your voice is very soothing, and your phone was very, very nice. It just really opened up my ears and got my creative mind to be able to just want to be able to do more treatment. But I've been for a very long time, and I am doing what you're doing
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 1:13


I want to be a voice that brings joy and love and care and connection to any humans that I encounter because I believe that the true wealth of a life well lived, the interaction and connections and unity that that life has had with other human beings. So thank you for being a part of this thread and thank you for sharing part of your life experience with all of us here that is so valuable. I appreciate you very much. Thank you
L.R. Mane
@Ravenmane · 0:16

@Pixiepoet4life 💚

I really, really like this piece. Anything about nature, I love. So I came across this just by chance. And I really, really love how combing your voices when you're reading it. It's just a really sweet treat to come across this. Thanks for that today
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:37


Thank you so much for taking the time to listen, and even more so for taking the time to leave a reply and just a piece of kindness that truly, truly makes my day. Each and every time that I post poetry and someone actually takes the time to reply and gives me beautiful feedback and their perspectives, that's an awesome gift and one of the things I love about being here on Swell. So thank you so much and you have a great day. Bye
Tina Jackson
@LadyTPoetry1 · 0:33


Hey, there. I just want to say I truly enjoyed that poem as well. It was like it swept me into the forest, and it just was so calming and peaceful. And I love the trees, I love nature, and it just felt like it brought me somewhere where it's the trees, but it's more than the trees. Girl. Was just deep. Was just deep. That's all I could say. So I truly enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:21


Thank you for taking the time to listen and to reply. It's always such a blessing and a gift to have those of you who are poets and kindred out there actually take the time to be a part of my threats. So thank you so much. I appreciate you so much for that