J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00

Andrew Tate perception

It was good to see him accumulate towards boys and turning them into men and making sure that they're on a proper diet. They're doing good things with their money. They're not doing stupid things. And yeah, as far as that stuff, I was like, wow, this man is no wonder why he's trending and he's out there and he's a kickboxer. And I was like, oh, s***. Okay

https://linktr.ee/phasereality #jmoor #phasereality #andrew #tate #perception #men #motivating

Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 4:38


And it inspired so many there's actually a documentary about having that discussion where there are so many individuals who are inspired by this guy to be what they've become, comedians, actors, and it all stems from him. And there's that. Oh, God. Past that veil, past that performer is a monster. Just the bottom line. Just a monster. It's almost like Scooby Doo, like, past the mass. All the monsters are human

#misinformation #manipulationtactics #science #spirituality #holistic

This is truthful of any toxic figurehead that really is trying to promote fear and on that note, using fearmongering tactics in order to sway people's opinions. And yeah, I see it so clearly that that is what is happening with him, what is happening with people that promote misinformation. So I just wanted to add that as a little layer of extra layer of thought in this conversation for people to consider. So anyway, hope you're healthy and well and I will talk to you very soon
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:49


I'm asking, do you think there were moments that you can tell now that ultimately guided the relationship to how it ended, to when he passed away? And if you can recognize those, do you think that there was a conversation that you could have had that ultimately could have changed the reality that you both experienced with each other?
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00
But if he did the thing that he's being accused of, then yeah, you know, all the repercussions made an example out of so that anybody who's following him knows, like, hey, don't follow this s***, because this is what's going to happen to you. He thought he was untouchable and it didn't work


Vice did a phenomenal documentary on Andrew Tate. It was maybe a full hour. I don't remember. I watched it a couple of weeks back. But, yeah, Vice did a phenomenal documentary on him. And what I'm saying is, even if we set these allegations aside, this documentary really shows him, it really reveals the nature of who he is as a human being. And that in and of itself is incredibly problematic and harmful and hateful and vile and violent
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:46

Real honest workshop for men 👉🏾 https://s.swell.life/STVNse2Xnuqeb2u

The more I continued to hear it, it started to make sense. And not from a space of brainwashing, because that guy that did just sound like that. Not from a space of brainwashing, but from a space of looking at how men show up
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:56
Yeah, I mean, it's easy to say that he's violent. He was a kickboxer. He was actually pretty good. He has a few knockouts. That's okay. So we can use that against him. But then is every fighter violent in the world? And I have a real tough time taking an opinion and not being able to apply it to everybody else without there being an exception for them. And I think that's what I'm trying to get at mostly with this conversation
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 1:31


And if there are any things that you may have noticed that still in the public eye, we believe this, but you're completely maybe being taught differently in medical school. So basically I'm just asking for the goods to see if you're willing to release any information that you guys are learning about it. What is the general tone towards it, what is the idea, how long it might be sticking around? What are the technologies that are going to come and combat this?


No one's denying that. It's a very egocentric me. Me. I need to practice a himsa to myself. Which is where I think all this New Age stuff comes in. But I might have to do a second reply. But a himsa is not only about caring for ourselves, being nonviolent towards ourselves, not only being nonviolent towards other people. But the convenient thing that people miss in the yoga community is Ahimsa


And so if you look at the whole Andrew Tate situation from that philosophy perspective, then you realize the harm and indoctrination that he is putting into these men. So we are allowing these misogynistic beliefs about women and how women should be controlled by men to be perpetuated within the next generation of men because they don't have a healthy kind of figurehead, so to speak, of what healthy masculinity looks like


I think I made my point that we can either choose to be complicit in harm or we can choose to actively disrupt that and help create a safer, more open, more inclusive, more affirming, and more equitable world. Because if we don't back to this idea of oneness and interconnectedness, we are only going to allow that harm to continue to be perpetuated with each generation
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00
That's the problem though, right, in my little head, my little philosophical head, I believe that's also a problem, that I can see it from your point of view as well. And a lot of other people can do that too. And the reason why I bring that up is because, one, I like that it makes me think, I like to think it from all perspectives. I understand
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:08


Hey, man, thanks for starting this conversation. I don't know that I've actually seen another Andrew tape combo here on Swell. Yeah. So I'll start by saying I think that this guy is the absolute scum of the earth. He is somebody who is manipulative, he's running pyramid schemes, he's stealing people's money. He doesn't treat people well, whether they're men are women. He's not a good guy, and it's been really well documented
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00
I've seen children do things that we thought were incapable. I've seen older people do things that we thought were incapable. I've heard people say things that just completely blow my mind. That could be children, that could be my age. It could be older. Might be just going off a tangent here, but I think that's where we find our disagreement here, is that I truly try to follow this unhappy, critical way of living
And all of us have to be able to reconcile that and to be able to self reflect on that and to be able to adapt and change. Once we learn new things, once we have new understandings that right there is awakening
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00


I was like, for a man to, you know, speak this wildly and so just atrociously I was like, no, there's got to be something a little bit different here. How the h*** can someone just and why does society allow somebody like him to achieve that status? Are we enablers as well? Am I enabling him by talking about him right now and then I kind of do it my own hypocritical stance and then try to look at it from all point of views


And the New Age community has used that and has exploited that indigenous wisdom and knowledge in a harmful way against that community. Now, it's not to say that white people should not practice indigenous practice, but it's that we need to do it with a lot more mindfulness and in a way that honors and respects and values those cultures
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:59


I'm pretty sure that if I grew up Chinese in China, I would follow that practice. If I grew up in a tribe, like a local tribe that never got into civilization, theo, we can have different completely views. So I'm going to say I do see your points of view. You're very worried about protecting the integrity of this practice. And the most glaring thing is that, yes, Western civilization has popularized yoga to be a physical exercise
And that's a huge problem that a 6000 year old practice has been co opted and stripped of any resemblance of what the practice as a whole represents. And when we're talking about systemic harm, that is systemic harm by any definition that I understand