J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:59

Reality vs illusion

And what I have learned throughout this spiritual journey, I've learned all these different techniques for mindfulness. I've learned all these different techniques of meditation and to really do some deep inner work. And during all this, the great thing about falling in love with something or picking up a hobby or opening up yourself to a spiritual journey is that you're going to learn a lot of things along the way. Just simple

Spotify: https://s.swell.life/STVkkJtS9zxtaNb #phasereality #jmoor #reality #illusion #thought

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:57
But then, as the years of familiarity and education and empathy has passed us by, we may have shifted into a different belief structure that we would have once upon a time, shunned or really not been in favor of. I think that's the only true measurement of growth is that your beliefs change in time. And I think that that's why the only difference between reality and illusion is your point of view