preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:55

Timeless whisper s

Good morning, my Svelkas friends. I am just came back from the gym after a long workout. And I'm feeling so fresh. And I thought that just yesterday I wrote a poem. And I thought that it would be a good way to start my day. So I am pretty here. And please listen to my poem and let me know what you feel about it. Timeless whisper s right from when I wake till the time I sleep. You made my day. Every time, everywhere

A poem dedicated to all who needs love and space in life !

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:08
Thank you so much, Preeti for sharing this beautiful poem. The timeless whispers. I loved it. Have a lovely day. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:58
Hi Preeti. So one thing I actually learn out of your poems is we go through multiple situations. We go through multiple circumstances. The way we look at it, the way we embrace our surroundings, explore it, is the way we get the fun. At the same time, if we start looking every aspect as an opportunity to learn and grow as an opportunity to express ourselves, we can enjoy each and every moment. You always give that kind of message through your poems and today through timeless whispers
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 1:35


So the most beautiful phrases which I liked was that when you said that, I got caught at the helm of the storm and I do not know where it was and when was it? It is so beautiful that whenever you get caught in a storm or caught in a predicament, you barely know that what is going to bring you out of it. So this is so beautiful. And also this poem builds a kind of crescendo
Meenu Kaur
@tailored979 · 1:54
Good evening, Preeti. There's a great contrast in the time between you writing and reciting the poem and me replying that. So first of all, to thank you for such a beautiful poem. And really, I was in an awe. How beautifully have you expressed the value of that whisper. I mean, see, I'm completely in agreement with this. We are constantly running in the uncertainties of life
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 2:30
You always come up with creative ways of expressing yourself, and through the words I can see the range of the length and breadth, the expanse of experience you have about life and the perspective of life. So please keep swelling, please keep enlightening us with your experiences, with your version of life, with your poetry, and have a wonderful day ahead. Bye bye. Good night
preethy uthup
@peeli · 0:20


Good evening, Ranjana. Thanks for that lovely reply which you gave in the morning. It was so soothing. And I felt that you really liked it. Because that word beautiful. I really feel that you really liked my poem. Thanks, Ranjana. Thanks for the reply. Take care, dear. Bye
preethy uthup
@peeli · 0:39


Thanks, Gauri. For a different perspective. Actually, you have given a different perspective to the poem and given it a different idea to it. And I'm really happy that the perceptions are different. Each one. When they hear a poem, the perceptions are different. The way you view it is different. But everything is charming and beautiful. So thanks for that beautiful reply. And I feel that you really like this poem. So thanks a lot for this. Well, reply. Bye
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:16


So I think when you do something as a thing, as a ritual, not exactly as a ritual, but something in you takes up and says that, come on, let's put it as a poem or an idea or something like that. And this particular thing just came up to me and I felt that it had a lot of vibrations to it, variations, in fact, the shades are different. If you look at whatever I had BeEn explaining, it has got different shades to it
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:18


And I really want to try something like what you tried in your Uttarakhand and Goa diaries. I really want to do. Because I travel now quite a bit. But I'm still not able to get the hang of it right now. But over a few days, I think I'll sit across. And then because there is such brilliant experience that I had, I feel that I should be writing about it. It's like a journey of a story
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:09


I absolutely did, Preeti. I did like it. I didn't just like it. I loved it. Thank you. Bye
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:51


And when you really said that, you kind of liked every sentence that I have put it across, and the image nation that I had run across, and the wide range of emotions and contrasts that I have made out of it, and the last bit of it giving solace to people, at least to somebody who's hearing that there is more hope in life and life has to go on. You really understood the core essence of what I was trying to come up with
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:09


Hey, Peeli. Very good evening. Thank you so much for your reply. I kind of guessed that I must have taken a different tangent altogether. But that's okay. You know, sometimes the whole idea of the poetry is relatable expressions. So what the author tries to say, the author wants to say, yet they want to keep an anonymity of what they speak. And that intrigue of the other person. Trying to wonder what exactly works out of a poetry is something that makes it fascinating
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:09
Hello. Like fluke magic created rainbows. Wow. That's so beautiful. And you know, I loved all these beautiful lines that you carefully wove together. It is beautiful. Preeti, thank you for inviting me. And I listened to it a couple of times to understand it, understand its nuances. And it's beautiful. And it's difficult. It's difficult to be at the hem of the tornado caused by somebody else. Who was the last person you expected to cause that tornado?