The ugly witch

The sight of her mutilated features made the men lower their gaze as few women shrieked in horror. All I offered was marriage, family, and love, she repeated, her voice an octave lower and a little slower, and this was the result. She looked down at her hands, willing them to stay at her sides as she stood her ground. The urge to cover her face and run away was strong. I did not abduct anyone. I did not rage a war

Stories, legends, heroes and gods

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:06
Hi pile. I really loved your swell. Trust me, I was listening to as well, again and again and again. Because the powerful the words are and the powerful the description you have made, I really loved. Basically, what happens is when you are confronted for something, we usually have a tendency to actually accept what others say, cannot fight for ourselves
Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 0:43


So such replies are like, oh, you made my day, kind of a thing. Please take care of yourself. I could hear a couple of cuffs. I hope you're not coming down with something. See you around. Bye