Paul D
@paulyd1 · 3:42

#Perspective | The AI revolution is going to...

We need a way to not just accept what it says, but we need to encourage people to think critically. It's learning to not just go with the first answer that's given. It's helping people think very calmly and rationally. It's an inner game, and these are societal and also inner psychological problems that are going to need to be addressed if we're going to have a serious discussion about AI

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp3 @arish

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:26


Hi Paul, thank you for that thoughtful post. I really enjoyed listening to it, and I think you're right about putting the right safeguards in place early on. Unfortunately, our track record and creating social safety nets, especially in our own country out here, is not very good, but hopefully we will figure it out and do something in time before this becomes a really deep crisis
Paul D
@paulyd1 · 1:46


I feel like there's going to be a lot more scams, more elaborate scams out there, and people are going to use an otherwise wonderful tool to become smarter criminals, basically. I know what I would like to see in terms of AI is just it being used to help people's. Make people's lives easier