Time to Reboot

And I get reset and regrounded when I'm there in a way that's unlike anything else I've ever experienced. I come back calm and at peace and inspired and excited about whatever is coming next for me and my family. And ultimately, I'm grateful to come back home and to be with my family and to be back in work. So you would think, right, that it would be easy for me to book that trip every year without fail, right? But it's not every year

Spring time is here and its time to consider ye relationship with taking time off from work!

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:32
But it's true that that nothing major usually is going to happen if you take a little vacation station and you will come back recharged and happier and satisfied and ready to hit the ground running. In terms of a place that I like to do that, it's got to be in the north of Spain. Like a five, six hour drive from my hometown in Madrid. There's these beautiful small villages and rolling hills, lush fields and cows everywhere
Amy Murillo
@amymu89 · 2:39


You. First off, I just wanted to mention I appreciate your transparency and the reality that you took everyone in your life into consideration. Your wife, your family, your employees, your work. Personally, as an educator, myself and a parent, unfortunately, I haven't taken a vacation yet by myself. But my parents have done exactly what you have done, and I can guarantee you they feel exactly the same way