Hi, I am Ken and I may post polio Survivor. I am one of those post polio survivors, whose disability is not apparent to the visible eye.

You might see me walking through the airport with a cane, and you'll say, well, there's nothing wrong with that guy, but you don't know that I can't walk that far. You don't know that I can't sit up that long. That that is a problem for me, you see? So you can't judge a book by the COVID is what I am saying here as I wind up my first swell introduction. Be kind to people who are handicapped

#WelcomePrompts #postpoliosyndrome #disabilityadvocate #humanrightsconsultant #officiant #entrepreneur

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:05
And you can wear those or like they're supposed to be for people to wear who have invisible disabilities, which I think is such a great initiative if you want to wear them, to kind of breach that gap of not everything that you see is exactly as it is. So, yeah, I thought that that was pretty interesting. I'm wondering if there's something like that
Kenneth Fuller
@PapaJuju · 4:53

@rocio #postpoliosyndrome #handicap #certifiedhumanrightsconsultant

So if I'm in the service industry, I automatically am going to revert to a mode of how can I assist this person and make sure that this person's transaction with my company or with me is pleasant and without embarrassment. Now, if you're wearing a band that says, okay, I have a hidden disability, that may be okay, would I do it? Yeah, I probably would, because I've been challenged so many times, even before I started using a cane and forearm crutches
Kenneth Fuller
@PapaJuju · 4:18


And I would have to explain to them nicely, look, I had polio when I was six months old and give them a brief synopsis. That's embarrassing. I've never been asked, of course, to go in a room and prove by removing my clothing that I am handicapped. Usually they will go, oh, well, you look too young to have had rocio. Okay, whatever. I know when I was born, I know what happened to me