Do you Know Your Roots?

Good morning, Swell. Hope you all are doing well this morning. It's Friday and TGIF. So the thing today that I woke up thinking about, like, with a burning passion, is my family genealogy, my family history, my family roots, and what pieces of those I'm still gathering in this journey

#genealogy #familyhistory #roots #legacy

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00
And I did the same a few years back and I discovered that my family is actually from India and basically my father my father and his mother and some of his uncles, they had moved to Pakistan after the partition. I'm sure you must have heard about Pakistan, India and Bangladesh being one country before 14th August 1947. That's when the independence happened. First, the British were ruling the country subcontinent and then the Muslim majority was divided into a two states, east and West Pakistan and India
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 1:29


And there's a longing, but there's also some sort of hopeful connection that helps tell the story story of what our purpose is today. That's really what I want to touch on, and I think you definitely did that beautifully. So thank you very much. Take care
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:47
Hey, yes, I identify as black or African American, and my genealogy background includes X, Y and Z. So I think that's really dope to do these people have their conspiracy, like, oh, you're freely giving your DNA to the government. You're they use that to track and trace and plant and blah, blah, blah. But I'm like, screw it. I just want to know
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 2:46


Lack of and there's a friend that I have who she's like me in terms of valuing and wanting to dig deeper and ancestry roots and all that stuff in the tests and everything. But how she said that her sister was more about like. Look. I'm black. I'm from so and so. And that's all I know. And that's it. And how she and I are like, no, that's really not it