#BeaconPoets - welcome To Acorn Bay. #Go #Fins

Welcome, dear listeners, to Acorn Bay on swellcast.com, where poetry dances on the waves of imagination. Today, we extend a warm invitation to the beacon poets, those luminaries of verse, to join us on this journey of words and wisdom. At Acorn Bay, we celebrate the power of poetry to illuminate the human experience, to stir emotions, and to inspire change

Lets explore the depths of Human experience through poetry.

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:38


Oh, let my land be a land where liberty is crowned with no false patriotic wreath but opportunity is real and life is free equality is in the air we breathe let America be America again
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:29

@Chey - Civility Excellence Opportunity - what is America today?

And I can see in your know, just all of that, your essence, your authenticity, your level of integrity comes through so well in your words. I'm telling you, Langston Hughes, he sure did it, didn't he? Equality is in the air we breathe. How does this stack up to 2024 and where we are now? We're heading into an election, changing government. Not to talk about politics, but just that our government is going to be changing
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:33

#BeaconPoets Dreams By Langston Hughes

It's like, oh, my God, what am I doing? So I think eventually they will be here. Beacon poets, when you get here, welcome again. I will continue to welcome you. And we have chosen Sir Langston Hughes as our poetic feature for the month of love and the month of history and heritage, african american history and heritage. So Sir Langston Hughes is the chosen person