Rethinking the Service Econony: From Transactional to Transformaional.

Together, businesses can build stronger relationships and foster a sense of ownership and loyalty among their customers. As I said in the beginning, the service economy is at a crossroads and the path forward requires a fundamental shift in mindset and approach. By prioritizing experiences over transactions, empowering individuals, embracing technology, responsibly promoting sustainability and responsibility, and embracing collaboration and co creation, we can create a service economy that truly transform lives and our society for the better. Thank you for joining me here on the daily Acorn

The shift from transactional to transformational service, offering insights on creating meaningful and impactful customer experiences

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:19
And I think that same level of depth has the ability to really take people into a deeper place within themselves. And if everyone's looking deep within, then we're gonna have a pretty sweet world to live in, I think so. Thanks for making an impact and being passionate about encouraging others to grow
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:34

@dobbstyb Educatuon and training through artistic and creative delivery methods.

And maybe some of the employers also have to reimagine how they care for their staff. And this is indicative in their retention numbers and their bottom line numbers and all of that that can easily be tracked. Thank you so much for your support here. I don't know exactly where this is heading, but I know that I'm going to start to try to bring together a committee and roundtable of decision makers who, and see what they're looking at in my community