Omkari Williams
@OmkariĀ Ā·Ā 3:43

Resources for Activists

And for a lot of people, their obstacle to being able to exercise their constitutional right to vote is that they don't have the proper ID and they don't have the knowledge or the resources to get that ID and Spread The Vote helps people with that. It's an amazing organization. And it's so important. Again, as we look at all of these attacks on voting rights, we need to shore up our democracy by making sure that everyone who is legally allowed to vote has that ability #voting rights #votersuppression #girlbeheard #runforsomethingnow

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesĀ Ā·Ā 1:44

@Omkari these suggestions bring so much to mind | amplifying voices

I'm Omkari it's great to hear your voice here. And thanks so much for these three really specific suggestions. I think a lot of challenge for people out there in terms of the challenge they face when they want to get active and get started and move forward is how and what what's the first step? And I think to your point, going into organizations that already have an infrastructure built in for you to take part is really the answer