Guilty by society

I'm hearing this a lot. We should bring back shame, but they have no solutions. They're not going to come out of their own pockets. But we want to try to try to judge others. We don't do anything. We do nothing to fix the problem. Make it make sense. Hey, bud, it's been good chatting with you all. Peace out
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:36
If you bring shame on Lizzo for being overweight, you will be seen as fat phobic. If you bring shame on Budweiser for trying to expand their demographic of customer, you will be shamed for pointing that out and being transphobic. So is shame really gone? No. But it is nice propaganda from the right to reinforce their resolve that we need to put things back as how they used to be, if there ever really was to begin with
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:57

#morals #values #standards

So usually degrading behavior is used when it comes to women because, again, people think that women should have a certain standard and that they should carry themselves in a certain way. And so with men, you don't really see a lot of standards, not as much as women
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:52


Well, it is the perception that women are supposed to be the nurturers and the softer, more gentle ones and the ones that take care of and don't go out and do anything other than nurture. And men are supposed to be the ones multiplying and adding to the earth, basically. And they can act however they want. And I disagree with that
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 3:18


All I want to do is f*** you. Seriously, women that are you're not practices that's earlier. We live in a free country. Freedom of expression, freedom to express yourself. But we want to go back to the 1950s, and we're done with that. That was way back then, and you said it earlier yourself, s***. We didn't have much of choice. We didn't have the same freedom like we do now
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:59


And because most people work as a collective, so what happens when you deal with a group that rebuilds against the collective? What happens when they rebuild against the majority? Now they become outcast. So when it comes another thing too, we love to compare ourselves to other countries. Well, this is America, right? This is supposed to be the freest country in the world. We supposed to have some sort of true form of democracy or the best democracy, you know?
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:14
Who decides for me or for anyone, what is morally right? What is acceptable? What is society available to them and what standards they live by? Because I think that's an individual choice, though it has been pushed by a collective based on a Bible and someone's perception of it. I agree that it's to control, but that's just my opinion. Everybody can have their opinion when it comes to religion, but my religion doesn't say I'm a moral by choosing to explore
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:10
Boy, that feels a lot like rejection. I don't know if you're not liking what I say or just me being involved, but point taken. Enjoy your conversation
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:42


Tanya. Tanya, I wanted to respond to your response. It's something I rarely do, but I thought what you said was very interesting and compelling. If for nothing else, then I don't typically think that way at all about standards. It never had occurred to me, standards being something that we needed once again. And I mean, maybe it has, but I guess I never phrased it that way. But obviously we have standards of not having sex with minors, right?
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:54


Ahead. Hey, Renee, I want to thank you for replying to this post. So, yeah, when it comes to and this is not just for the black culture. I've been looking at the black manusphere for a while now on YouTube. It's and I'm seeing this fantasy about how we go back to the olden days. And I feel like as far as the black culture, I feel like they are finally free to express themselves. At least we're getting there
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:58


But I just prefer to set my own standards and to not conform to what everyone says I need to conform to and to listen to instead myself and to look at my relationship with my god and to know that, be confident in it and know my own right from wrong. So I love this topic. I think it's a good one to have, for sure and I don't think anyone should be guilted by society, so I take that back
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:58
You. Hey, I want to thank you for replying to this. Well, you know, I I think we're we're still trying to fit within this society. You know, we're trying to have this good image, at least for when I think when it comes to the conservatives okay, let me speak on the black conservatives. They feel that they have to measure up to white society, or at least white conservatives. They feel like they are the true pillars of America
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 2:08


You want to know what is crazy? I honestly thought that you were responding to my reply, and I thought I said something that you disagreed with. And I was like, well, I was like, okay. I thought we were kind of on the same page a little. So I was like, D***, what did I say?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:29


What I appreciate about you and what I'm hearing is that you do just kind of get on a roll and say whatever. And that is what I enjoy about you and about the other people that I'm really into on this platform, is just their authenticity and their ability to say what's real, and even if it's going to p*** somebody off, say it. Whatever be you. But you didn't p*** me off with the comment, I promise
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 0:42


It is 727, so I'm not sure I'm not sure where you're at. I'm not sure what the what what the time is over there. But regardless, you have a good night. Peace
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:18


I'm in Texas, so it is 1043 now and I need to finish cleaning and go to bed. But I just wanted to say again, thank you for including me in the conversation. It's a very good one. So I look forward to seeing more of your stuff. You have a great night