Can love conquer deceit?

If a trans woman or trans man hides their past, if they get an artificial v***** or an artificial p****, and you think everything is all good, but your partner is telling you, yeah, I can't have kids. Your significant other tells you, hey, I have low sperm count or I have low eggs count, but all this time, well, they've been living another life, a double life. What do you think should happen?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:54
You're on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is a prank call. And the guy was like, man, now I got to calm myself down. But I was listening. That's what was playing in my head. Now, if someone decides that they want to transition and they get into a relationship, my thought and I'm not part of this world, so take it with a grand assault. My thought is that they should be forthcoming from the beginning
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:22
Unfortunately, I don't think it makes it right to do it. And I think that's more of I don't know, it's more of a thing of where you would hope a person again would be responsible and confide in someone before you proceed to that level of intimacy, what to expect. But anyway, I find it interesting, this subject matter, and thanks for making this well for us
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:01


How's it going? What a crazy story. What an insane story. What a horrible prank. Someone could have got hurt, man. Somebody could have gotten it. Really hurts. Very fun. Yeah. This will be a scary situation for me personally. It will be terrifying. I want to know what to do. Yeah. If I was put in that situation and all the time I thought this was an honest woman that I fell in love with oh, man
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:55


Say if you meet a girl at a club or a bar, and you all on the dance floor, you all on the dance floor dancing, and I start to fill up on one another, and then you all start to kiss. Should she tell you before you all start to kiss that she's trans? For me personally, it's funny because I've been in many of these situations