Nya Story
@NyaStory · 5:00

Thanksgiving blessings Happiness and forgiveness.

Thank you for blessing me with another day. I'm so grateful, I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful for life. Somebody didn't wake up this morning. Somebody ain't able to use a voice. Somebody land up in the hospital. Somebody just lost a loved one. Somebody going through a tragedy right now. Somebody on the street. In Jesus mighty name, Father God, cover those that suffering with the blood of Jesus

#swell #Happythanksgiving #talk #create #empathy #love #God #Jesuschrist #blessings

Dr. Yemaja Jubilee
@Yemaja · 1:13
I learned my greatest lessons by those things that I thought my father should have done that he did not done. Because God gave me the strength to get through it and to get a gift from it. So I affirm that for you today, my beloved. It beautiful. Bodacious badass nubian queen. And Happy Thanksgiving. I'm proud of you. I affirm you. And with a grad heart of gratitude, once again I say thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My sister
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 1:24


I hope you are blessed to be with your family and loved ones with some good food and holiday cheer. Blessings. Blessings. Blessings to you. And I look forward to many more conversations. I look forward to it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:09
Hey, SIS. Thank you so much for leading us in that worship. And thank you for sharing your gratitude. It's so important that we share the blessings of God with others and that's how we encourage one another. And so we give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, his mercy endures forever